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As I'm sure you know, for years it's been like pulling teeth for me to get
invoices for HWSA and SWMAs.

Well now there's a new one.

Again early this year I was trying to get a new HWSA. Then I found out
about the EOS for P8 systems. So I decided to move to the cloud. No more
dealing with the incompetence in IBM's billing department. I move to the
cloud and shut my 41A down.

I get an invoice a couple weeks after moving to the cloud. I reply and
tell them to cancel it since the invoice is out of service.

Now I just keep getting emails from them "pay this invoice please". I tell
them no, I'm not paying for something I'm not using. This was cancelled in
April. Yes still, 3 times now they send the invoice and warning about
paying a late fee.

I asked them to escalate it to someone that can actually do something about
the invoice and get it cancelled. Nothing. Just more replying about "MSA
rules" or something.

I guess that's what happens when you're dealing with overseas support
and/or when the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

For over 7 years I haven't been able to give them money without opening an
actual support ticket, now they don't seem to understand I won't pay for
something I don't need or want, especially on hardware that is no longer

IBM, we need to talk. I know you watch these lists. I'm sick of dealing
with incompetence on the billing side of things. You know how to reach
me. I'm easy to find.

Bradley V. Stone
Native IBM i e-Mail solutions for Microsoft Office 365, Gmail, or any Cloud

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