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On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 5:21 PM James H. H. Lampert via MIDRANGE-L <
midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

And sorry, Brad, but this isn't an appropriate situation for MAILTOOL,
or for MMAIL, or for simply calling QTmmSendMail (which was the first
thing I tried). THEIR people can evidently use SNDDST just fine, and you
said it yourself,
99% of the folks I deal with say "if it works, it works" and they don't
care how.

You misunderstand what I mean by that.,

"It works" doesn't mean it's set up properly.

"It works" means it works sometimes, but not all the time (your case, and
most cases as it's delivering directly without using the proper mail

"It works" means can mean it's not set up right and may stop in the future.

I've seen many different cases. I've tried to explain the basics of email
delivery, and they just plug their ears and sing na na na na na.... and say
"well, it works for this user, just not others, or people outside of our

All the options you mentioned except MAILTOOL use the IBM SMTP server as
the base and require the same setup. MAILTOOL (Plus) bypasses that all

I hope you figure out the issue.

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