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thanks, but what would be the type of stored procedure here and how to
compile it? once refs table( file ) is created using runsqlstm.


On Fri, 30 Jun 2023 at 00:05, Sam_L <lennon_s_j@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Tim, are you a developer? Some other kind of computer professional? If
not, do you have a developer on staff who know SQL?

This code is all SQL and I think most developers could easily use it.

But I'll give you a few pointers:
1. Did you look at the readme on GitHub? You build the output table
first by running the SQL DDL.
2. You build the stored procedure by running it in SQL.
3. The test SQL gives several examples of how to run it.
4. You can run SQL on the IBM i in several ways.
a. Paste the SQL code into the Run SQL Scripts client in iACS.
b. Put the code into a source member on the IBM i and run it with the
RUNSQLSTM command.
c. The STRSQL statement gives you a green screen where you can enter
SQL statements.
d. There are probably other ways.

If you can't figure this out, then you probably need to hire a developer.

On 6/29/2023 8:00 AM, tim ken wrote:


This seems very good but could you please also mention the steps how to
below ( though something is there in readme file) :-

1) pgm.refs_Tbl.sql

are all these sqlrpgle programs or stored procedures , it would be nice
you could please elaborate in more details it's attribute type so
accordingly it could be tried to execute based on it's object type and
sequence like first create this with this member type (attribute type)
this then this and check output finally like this.

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