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Not sure exactly how or if this will work for you:
I know in the audience audio arena (churches, arenas, concert halls, etc.) there is a device available that once turned on, it will bring up each of the sound system components (amps, signal splitters, soundboard, etc.) in a proper sequence. It is potential that turning on in the wrong sequence can send a power surge from one device to another that will damage equipment and this device is supposed to prevent that. Sorry I don't have more details, but I would think that something similar should be available for networks. It has been 20 years since I worked with audio and we never bought the device.


Jim Hawkins
Programmer Analyst
Interkal LLC
Kalamazoo, MI

I'm having a problem with the internet at a remote location. Basic issue appears to be that every time there is a power outage the router comes up faster than the ATT gateway. As a result it doesn't connect and I lose all access to router connected devices.

I can see on Amazon and elsewhere a range of devices that seem to support power cycling but the reviews are incredibly mixed.

Anyone got any suggestions of power cycling devices that work for them?

Jon P.

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