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On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 6:42 PM Peter Dow <petercdow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

[from ACS font help]

This list is
pre-populated with IBM3270 plus all of the fonts supported by the Java
Virtual Machine on this operating system. The default is IBM3270.

Thanks. I didn't think to check the help. Now some things are starting
to jingle around in my memory regarding JVM font rendering.

Fonts and font rendering are deep rabbit holes. Way too much to go
into here. Suffice it to say that ACS doesn't seem to look in the
Windows font directory and doesn't seem to delegate to Windows native
font rendering. (If it did those two things, I would probably stop
complaining about font issues in ACS.)

Then some googling to figure out how to add fonts to the JVM for ACS.
In my case, it was fairly easy - copy/paste the andalemo.ttf file into


then rebooted Windows to make sure the JVM restarted, and voila! Andale
mono now shows up in the ACS font selection drop down.

Thank you. That was very helpful. For the record, I didn't have to
reboot the whole system; I just exited all the way out of ACS and
restarted ACS, and that was enough to make the added fonts show up.

So, now that I understand what's happening a bit better, I have
settled on a new font to use in ACS: JetBrains Mono.

It is still mysterious to me why the status line at the bottom doesn't
have antialiasing, even if antialiasing is active in the rest of the
display. I have to imagine that is an oversight, rather than some
technical limitation.

John Y.

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