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On 2/16/2022 11:44 AM, John Yeung wrote:

The name 'midrange' has never been used by IBM nor will it ever be. It
is only slang used by many who are already in the know.

I respectfully disagree. The most popular name BY FAR for this
platform for people who are NOT "already in the know" is AS/400.

"We have met the enemy, and it is us!"

Your statement should be "The most popular name for the heritage of this platform is AS/400."

The name for the server is IBM Power System and the name for the operating system is IBM i. This has been the name longer than any other name! Facts are hard to dispute.

I don't know what circle of contacts you live in but I work with persons around the world including Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Poland, Belgium, German, Holland, France, England, Ireland, Canada, China, Mexico, and yes even the United States! All of these people say "IBM Power Systems" and "IBM i." Why? Because this is the correct name. This is what IBM builds and ships today and for well more than a decade.

I understand if you want to live in the past and that you associate with others that live in the past, but doing so will only secure you there.

I, and those I work with, continue to promote this amazing platform and use the current and proper names the the creators have given it. This acknowledges it has grown and gained capabilities and functions, and yes, it retains the ability to extract value from 20 and 30 year old code and data. However no matter what you call it, it is NOT that old system. You do not have to LIKE the current names but you cannot deny what they are. When Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol people acknowledged it and used it. You CAN do the same with IBM i. You create a self fulfilling prophecy by stating that people will always use the old names simply by constantly using the old names!! Please stop!

This is just one of the reasons that I and many of my friends and associates are Champions for Power Systems while you, well, you insist on clinging to the past, even to a small part that never was.

- Larry

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