On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 4:29 AM Patrik Schindler <poc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Am 03.08.2021 um 00:51 schrieb Jay Vaughn <jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx>:
No. It is a goLang script that was packaged to a tar file and moved to pase.
Since GoLang is compiled, it's not exactly a script. Or du I miss something?
Depends on how you use the word "script". For many people, a script
has to be interpreted, or at least *feel* interpreted (hard to draw
the line between compiled and interpreted these days). Also, for many
people, a script has to do "automation tasks". If you are in either of
these groups (which has a huge overlap, and which I think includes
most people), then probably Jay does not have a script. Some people
have a less restrictive sense of what "script" means.
In any case, I am kind of surprised that so little fuss is being made
over the fact that whatever Jay has is in Go! There is no formal
support for running compiled Go programs in PASE yet, though some of
the more intrepid Go enthusiasts have done it.
On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 4:23 AM Patrik Schindler <poc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The other possibility is — depending on complexity what that program should do — is to redo it in a programming language you're skilled in. Probably with the original developer to help with understanding the goal.
Now that Jay has managed to get the Go program working, I guess this
won't be pursued, but I still think it's a worthwhile idea. A
variation on this would be to redo it in a programming language that
is officially supported in PASE, like Python or Node.js, even if
you're not too familiar with it. (1) These languages make it easy to
do whatever that Go program is doing and (2) it is a great excuse to
learn one of them!
I mean, Go is a nice and quite easy language to learn also, with quite
broad usefulness, so I wouldn't discourage anyone from learning it.
But it seems to me that if this program has any likelihood of needing
modification or enhancement, it would be preferable to do it in
something that is officially supported and has a much bigger community
and ecosystem to draw on. (The "Python on i" and "Node.js on i"
communities are definitely on the small side for now, but they are
growing, and the "Go on i" community is... practically nonexistent.)
John Y.
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