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As long as you're dealing exclusively with non-QSYS IFS files, I honestly
think you'll be better served using your research time on investigating
Unix-style tools, particularly the latest PASE tools (as opposed to Qshell).

I am going to keep plugging Python, because it is just *so* well suited to
your needs. The more you tell us about what you are trying to do, the more
it sounds like a job for Python. Next most suitable would be a Bash script.
(Bash actually may be slightly better for this exact task, but it's less
capable overall and is more arcane. If you only have time and brain space
to learn one, learn Python.)

Instead of SAV files, you'd use .zip or other stream-file
compressors/archivers (which are generally more efficient than SAV files)
if you need to archive them, or simply move/rename them if that is
ultimately what you need.

But, I do agree that it certainly *sounds* like something you ought to be
able to do with SAV. So, I do genuinely hope someone can help with that.

John Y.

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