× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

You're welcome.

Here's something else, but since you like to like a single code base for older versions of the OS I'm guessing you won't be adopting it anytime soon.

ORDINAL_POSITION, -- A unique number for each row.
JOB_NAME, -- The qualified job name.
INTERNAL_JOB_ID, -- The internal job identifier.
SUBSYSTEM, -- The name of the subsystem where the job is running.
-- Contains the null value if the job is a system job.
SUBSYSTEM_LIBRARY_NAME, -- Library containing the subsystem description.
-- Contains the null value if the job is a system job.
AUTHORIZATION_NAME, -- The user profile under which the initial thread is running at this time. For jobs that swap user profiles, this user profile name and the user profile that initiated the job can be different.
JOB_TYPE, -- Type of active job.
-- ASJ Autostart
-- BCH Batch
-- BCI Batch Immediate
-- EVK Started by a procedure start request
-- INT Interactive
-- M36 Advanced 36 server job
-- MRT Multiple requester terminal
-- PDJ Print driver job
-- PJ Prestart job
-- RDR Spool reader
-- SBS Subsystem monitor
-- SYS System
-- WTR Spool writer
JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING, -- The method by which the job user identity was set.
-- APPLICATION The job user identity was explicitly set by an application using one of the Set Job User Identity APIs, QWTSJUID or QwtSetJuid(). The job may be running either single threaded or multithreaded.
-- DEFAULT The job is currently running single threaded and the job user identity is the name of the user profile under which the job is currently running.
-- SYSTEM The job is currently running multithreaded and the job user identity was implicitly set by the system when the job became multithreaded. It was set to the name of the user profile that the job was running under when it became multithreaded.
JOB_USER_IDENTITY, -- The user profile name by which the job is known to other jobs on the system. The job user identity is used for authorization checks when other jobs on the system attempt to operate against the job.
-- Contains the null value if the user profile no longer exists.
from table(qsys2.active_job_info(
)) A
-- SUBSYSTEM_LIST_FILTER: ''=ALL, 'MYSBS', 'SBS1,SBS2,SBS3' up to 25 names
-- JOB_NAME_FILTER: '*' = current job, '*ALL', '*CURRENT'=Same name as current job, '*SBS', '*SYS'
-- DETAILED_INFO: 'ALL', 'NONE' = This is the information in the columns prior to the JOB_DESCRIPTION_LIBRARY column. NONE has less overhead.

Rob Berendt

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