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In regard to streamlined code with DATA-INTO, I get that. But I should say
that the benchmark I reference in my last message did entail reading the
following JSON array into an RPG data-structure array.


I'm thinking about writing a DATA-INTO parser. But I'd need to study that.
I should probably begin with your articles.

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 4:50 PM Jon Paris <jon.paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

If it beats YAJL 26X then that is certainly impressive. But I guess it
depends on how often you need to just do a partial retrieval. Most of the
stuff I've been dealing with requires that all data is retrieved and works
well with DATA-INTO which involves a lot less code - particularly since
Scott's code will generate a trial DS for me. I have yet to come across a
situation where access to a specific node was needed.

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