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the OP asked how to determine if *SQL or *SYS naming is used.
The essence of my answer was: naming *SQL doesn't understand the qualifier / => send a statement with qualifier / to the database. This statement should be inexpensive and run at all installations. So I recommended "select * from sysibm/sysdummy1".
In a follow on was asked about the table sysibm.sysdummy1 and I elaborated on this: SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY was introduced bey DB2 (in all flavours of DB2) to provide a way to do date calculations, retrieving the current_schema etc.; this table has ensured by constraints and access controll exact one record and exists for all installations. Later on values was introduced, but sysibm.sysdummy1 still remains in all DB2 installations to ensure backwards compatibility.

I've read and accept, that you and some others have a faible for RLA, so what. I'm working about 30 years with IBM machines and RPG and I'm happy, that I could forget about RLA - that's all.


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