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Hello Jim,

Am 17.11.2019 um 05:24 schrieb midrange <franz9000@xxxxxxxxx>:

Spooled file was originally USROPN and CLOSE , but then removed so RPG handled open/close (had errors where msg thrown on USROPN saying it was already open..)

One sign like what I describe below. Did you close the file after using before INLR?

Obviously a very short time, but with the machine so fast, are we at the point where simple steps in a clp need a retry?

Maybe. Or simply throw in a DLYJOB of a second, easy since it's already CLP.

This is very straight forward clp and RPGLE (CRTBNDPGM) , no shared data opens, *DFTACTGRP

Handling stuff in *DFTACTGROUP has also given me lot of headache. Many data structures are indeed shared and preserved by successive program calls. I'd recommend to try CHGPGM DFTACTGROUP(*NO) ACTGRP(*NEW) (from memory, see F4 for exact parameters). The performance penalty is minor, even on very old machines but you gain isolation between all *PGM's data structures and there's no state saving in the activation group because the group is created on program call and destroyed when the program ends.
I'm not sure if this will solve your problem but could be worth a try.

I would think the RPGLE step in the clp would not advance to next step till all the closing steps complete.

See above. Additional, OS/400 and it's successors heavily use message passing internally. Basically this means that some, if not most stuff is running asynchronous to make sure the CPU isn't wasting precious cycles for programs waiting on each other. (This isn't technically 100% correct but it explains some stuff going on in an easy way.)

:wq! PoC

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