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Thank you all for making an otherwise boring Wednesday afternoon very entertaining with your posts.
We put IBM eyes (joke) into a server rooms against the will of IT staff to run our software.
They only had one mission, get that box out of our sever room. It usually took years, but in every case it was gone.
I mention that because of all the conversation, the one thing that struck me was to offer respect to the individual.
Let's say somebody in the scenario above puts a post out and it states that they have no knowledge of the (gulp) AS/400 and are asking some basic questions.
Instead of getting the help they need they are jumped on about what to call that box that everybody hates there.
Applying the golden rule would be nice when answering posts. Or if you are not a Jesus freak like me, pretend the person's beloved dog died that day when you answer them.
Thanks for reading this.

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