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Ok, here it is. Are you ready for a history lesson?
Back in the day people tried to think in advance of possible columns they might need. Someone may thought sometime in the future they may need a column like Yugoslavian currency conversion for example. After awhile (before/after the breakup of Yugoslavia for example) they may have decided they no longer have use of that. So some clever person may have decided that they could use RPG data structures to overlay that column with a character column and use it to store Yes/No or any number of possible needs. Actually more common in the S/36 shop where you had no external file capability for RPG.
IBM, to allow this, does not check for validity upon writes to any table defined with DDS. However, if you take that same table and define it with DDL it will do validity checks upon write. Figuring that if you are using DDL you are no longer doing overlay tricks.
Short answer, redefine the table with DDL and stop this from happening.

You could check your journal receivers to see where the bad data came from. I would guess though that the percentage of shops whose tables are defined with DDS, and do not have a replication HA solution, and who are doing journaling is rather low.

Rob Berendt

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