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The IBM RUNSQL does not support the SELECT which puts output results to the screen.
On https://wiki.midrange.com/index.php/SQL the custom version called RUNSQL now gets in the way of the IBM command.
That is why I have always emphasized calling your custom command RUNSQLSEL or something similar.

RUNSQLSEL works really well - handling all SQL actions including the SELECT that puts to the screen.
It does require QMQRY on your system, however.

- John Voris


Kevin is probably right as RUNSQL was something many of us downloaded (or wrote our own) before IBM had it.

This change caused us much wailing and gnashing of teeth. That and the IBM one does not accept a simple SELECT statement.
Suggest renaming yours to something else, like EXESQL. However, you might want to turn object auditing on for that object for a spell and see who uses it. This way their programs won't bomb if they
do simple SELECT or if they use REQUEST or STMT instead of SQL for the parameter name.

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