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On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 12:32 AM Don Brown <DBrown@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I changed the connection from FTP to SFTP and Woo Hoo the dates are showing


Why I was using FTP I am not sure, these connections have been used for
years and I don't remember having this issue previously.

While I'm glad you got something working for you, I am still baffled
by why the dates would behave the way you describe for FTP. I mean,
surely FTP is also a valid and common use case, and deserves to have
sanely displayed dates.

Also, I wanted to apologize for writing this:

First thing is to check that your Windows is set for day-month-year
format. The author of WinSCP insists that the program just uses the
system settings.

Not that it was an egregious offense, but it was so long ago since I
read your original post, with so many intervening diversions within
the thread, that I'd forgotten you had already been through all this.
(And I still wouldn't have remembered except that I was just now going
through the whole thread again, trying to confirm that you really did
see the same issue in FileZilla and WinSCP. Because that's just
bizarre to me.)

John Y.

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