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On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:11 AM Rob Berendt <rob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

1 - Use a SSH client, like Putty, instead of 5250 for using things like
vi, vim, and that genre

I wouldn't say you're "impugning" any other editors, but it is not
clear what you *mean* by "that genre". Most people, including experts,
could reasonably lump vi and Vim together into one category. But
almost nothing out there is like them. So are you talking about modal
editors (like vi and Vim)? Or do you mean "text-based editors which
run on a Unix or similar server" (which would include some other
editors mentioned here such as nano and JOE)? I would guess you mean
the latter, but it's just a guess.

3 - After trying to personally use vi it is beyond the scope of any list
responder to try to tutor you on the use of it. You are better off to
google for a tutorial and to google for a vi cheat sheet. I would assume
the same would apply for the other editors.

I agree that learning vi is not easy, and much more involved than a
simple e-mail would suffice for.

But "the other editors" (like nano and JOE) are actually much more
like Notepad, and most people can pick them up well enough to do basic
editing simply by running them and noodling around.

A question I might have is does color enhancing even show up in a putty

Well, "a putty client" is like saying "an rdi editor". PuTTY is a
specific program. It is a client. There are other clients that can
serve the same purpose as PuTTY.

PuTTY does show colors, if the server is providing color information
and you haven't disabled color in PuTTY.

John Y.

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