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Did you try searching the web for something like "Indent CL"? Midrange Computing Magazine published several tools to do this, many years ago, before WDSC-i or RD-i existed ...  See:



Mark S. Waterbury

> On 3/7/2018 9:49 AM, Justin Taylor wrote:
"I don't have RDi." :(

"What I want is indentation by logical level, like any sane programmer would indent in any sane language."
That sound vague and subjective to me.

RDi has different rules for different source type, so ILE RPG and CL settings are separate.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Yeung [mailto:gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 8:28 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: qsh from cl

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:46 AM, Justin Taylor <JUSTIN@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've never seen that. Subsequent lines are always indented for me. I'd suggest checking your RDi settings.
I don't have RDi. But "subsequent lines are always indented" sounds exactly like what prompting in SEU does. That's not meaningful indentation. What I want is indentation by logical level, like any sane programmer would indent in any sane language. I actually thought RDi did do meaningful indentation, since I'm pretty sure people rely on that for free-form RPG.

Roger mentioned something about "CL indentation" and "autoformat" as two different things. I wasn't completely sure what that meant.
Normally, an editor would provide automatic as-you-type indentation, as well as a "reformat existing code on demand" function (for languages where this is possible, and CL is such a language). But both of those features would presumably use the same indentation scheme, so I don't understand why Roger would praise one but not the other.

And Evan was saying something about a hypothetical prettifier recognizing IF and DO and so forth, which also suggests that prompted CL code isn't *meaningfully* indented.

One thing about prompted CL code in SEU is that the combination of always using every keyword, every time, plus always indenting everything pretty far from the left edge, results in a lot more two-line statements than necessary. This contributes significantly to the verbosity and uglification of code.

John Y.

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