× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


jumping from 7.1 to 7.3 isn't that much of an issue. 7.3 is relatively stable. Remember-- people without problems don't post a lot of messages on these boards! (;

We jumped both of our production systems about a year ago with minimum problems. 7.3 runs fine.

One reason we skipped 7.2 was looking at the end-of-life dates for the different releases-- 7.3 (at the time) was relatively new, 7.1 was short-lived, and 7.2 was well-established. I don't remember if EOL for 7.2 had been announced or not.

Just make sure to read both the 7.2 and 7.3 Memo to Users! And apply the prerequisite PTFs on 7.1. And run the utility that runs on your PC to check and make sure you've dotted all the t's and crossed all the i's!

IBM does have a subscription daily newsletter that lists all of the PTFs released since the previous day. We've been keeping a lot more up-to-date with PTFs! Some of the descriptions of bugs fixed can scare you! But we've been applying the new ones about every other month.

--Paul E Musselman

At 8:28 PM -0500 11/29/17, midrange wrote:
I need to answer this question next week to management:

Should we upgrade (in 1st qtr 2018) from V7R1 to V7R2 or V7R3 - and what are
the risks?

This list had a recent few days of discussion about issues with V7R3.

This is a heavily used "medium sized" system

Apps are 50% RPG4/ILE RPG with a lot of embedded sql,

And 50% Win clients and servers using OLE DB to read/write on our system,
supporting web and internal user groups.

A little java creeping in (the Power i is only one major app in a mix of
Unix/Win systems)

About 4Tb virtual optical - every day writing more with old IBM Content

About 4Tb dds defined files including lots of IFS and 4 ASPs of QDLS
(migration planned but not yet)

This is no longer considered a long term (5 years or more) system to us (but
who knows).

In previous upgrades it has been the DB2 stuff that gets us - giant complex
sql from the Win group.

Would be nice to avoid the 2 steps, 7.2 and later 7.3

We get a once a quarter window for ptfs and backup.

We do have a development partition so can load release there for extended


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