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On Fri, 2017-08-18 at 09:04 +0300, Gad Miron wrote:
Thanks Charles

This is ruffly what I had in mind

The issue is, how can I upload a IFS "Exclude All" txt file to the user's
PC and retain the "Exclude All" authority.


It seems that what you need involves a number of actors, and at various
stages different security constraints.

The weak link in all of this, is that once the file is on the PC it is
no longer under any ones control but the user(s) that have access to
that PC. If we assume that is acceptable, we can break the other stages

To have control of the transfer by the i, there are a number of possible
ways to handle this... all with varying degrees of difficulty and
security implications.

If the PC has a "shared folder" this could be mounted on to the i and
then accessed directly by an application. I've never done this, so have
idea how difficult it is or what is involved (I've done similar on a
home network between my lads windows PC and my linux "server" come
workstation - we never change our passwords so the mount is scripted
with hard coded passwords. He also has access to a SAMBA folder on my
"server" - it works well enough.)

You could also set up a ftp "server" on the PC, and have the i ftp the
data across or use something else such as rsync over ssh, which
obviously would require ssh and rsync on the PC and the i (ssh on the pc
& i shouldn't be and issue, but I am unsure if there is a version of
rsync that runs under pase or natively) or something like scp (if such a
thing exists on the i).

Now to the issue of exclude all on the i, yet still allow this to

The term you're looking for is, program adopted authority. You have a
program (or more if you want a two stage process) that runs under a
profile that can do what it wants with the file but can be called by any
user or job that needs to run it/them.

When the, lets call it, creation program runs it creates a file in the
ifs in a directory that no other "lowly" user can access, it changes the
authority (or its set at creation time) of that file to exclude all
other users and then dumps the data into it... when that is complete it
excludes read access to itself (1).

The transfer program comes along, using its adopted authority, and
changes the file authority so it can be read... it transfers the program
and changes the access authority back (1).

All that said, all of this is negated by every user that has enough
authority on the i to override the "lock out", including that user
profile itself. But it is possible to push the files if that is the main
consideration, with varying degrees of complexity and effectiveness.


(1) I'm unsure if an owner of a file can do anything with that file, by
default even if its specified it cant do something, or if its possible
to make a file unreadable by itself. Obviously if it has ownership, it
can then just change the authority/access rights.

date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 08:03:11 -0600
from: Charles Wilt <charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Secured txt file

If you remove all authority to the file, then the user won't be able to
pull it to the PC.

They have have to have read authority to transfer it.

Your process could push it to their PC, but you wouldn't be able to run
that process under the users ID; otherwise they would still need read

You'd have to run the push under an ID that has read access and authority
to the user's PC.


On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:24 PM, Gad Miron <gadmiron@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks guys (Charles, Jonathan, Tim, Jack and all others)

It is understood that a text file copied to a user's PC may be edited.

I'm looking for a way to remove all authorities to the file including
so the user won't be able to open the file .

(and no, I can not upload an encrypted file to the bank - they can't


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