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On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:47 AM, <MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Until ACS has what I consider significantly better font rendering, I
will never warm to ACS. I'm not just being ornery. I really want to
like ACS, but I can't stand how the text looks - it's simply not very
readable to me, and feels like I've stepped back into the '90s.

Well if you're talking about the default ACS font (IBM3270) it *IS* from
the 90s (or before). Just switch to a legible font. I'm using Monaco which
I personally find very easy to read.

No, I *love* IBM3270 in iSeries Access. Well, one particular size of
it. It's listed in the "Set Display Font" dialogue as "10 x 18". For
my personal taste, it is not too small, not too big, has a comfortable
aspect ratio, and has a legibly thick but not too-thick stroke width.

It's a bit of a miracle that such a combination of factors came together.

I cannot get this specific font size in ACS. First things first - the
font size selector is almost completely useless in ACS for this font.
It's just a single number, not a height and width. And that number is
neither a pixel height nor a point size, nor anything close. So it is
unbelievably tedious to even look for a suitable size.

All the IBM3270 choices in roughly the right size in ACS are
unattractive or even illegible.

So I tried other fonts that I like in other programs, such as
Microsoft's Consolas (which is more-or-less the Windows counterpart to
Monaco). Horrible in ACS. It's as though ACS doesn't do anti-aliasing
at all.

It is really stunning how bad the font situation is in ACS.

For now, if I have to use ACS, I am pretty much stuck with an
unattractive and slightly-too-small IBM3270, which is the least bad of
the options.

John Y.

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