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So, the rest of the story....

Several iterations with our friends at the IBM key center in Spain led to them finally sending the permanent keys. Not sure that was serendipity or my incessant emails but I was never able to get the temporary keys to display. I saw multiple JavaScript errors that may or may not have contributed to the problem, but in any case, that led to me installing the keys and getting the system back on it's legs.

The IPL /Group PTF apply led to several other errors which I will post to the WEB400 list since my Apache instance is now kaput....

Pete Helgren
GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java
Twitter - Sys_i_Geek IBM_i_Geek

On 4/14/2017 3:48 PM, Pete Helgren wrote:
Yes, ignoring "key expiring" notices can have, um, side effects....I am covered by SWMA until June but I must have missed something when I renewed last year because what I thought were trial licenses expiring on 3rd party stuff turned out to be most of my OS licenses, which I discovered after a group PTF apply and IPL...now I am dead stick...

My IBM contact is sorting out the key issue for me but I need to get going again. Went to the ESS site, requested some "Interim" keys and got the helpful message that says "Requested temporary keys have been generated. Use the Download tab to find them." Was even redirected to the Download tab. Selected V7R2 and....nada! I have two keys that have always been there but nothing else. The "Interim keys" tab had little yellow triangles next to the keys I selected and it appears from the text on those triangles that keys were generated but I sure cannot find them. Anyone ever generate "Interim keys" successfully?

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