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On 12-Apr-2017 12:03 -0500, Jim Franz wrote:
Before I have someone talk to IBM, does anyone know how I can remove
a pending joblog with a create date of 08/23/1928 ?

The WRKJOBLOG display issue an "invalid date" error when trying to
use opt 4 to delete the log.
The joblog server can't get past it, and we are accumulating pending
joblogs (over 100,000).
The job that created this log is QPASVRS
According to the text of the CPD0082 valid create dates are 8/24/28
to 5/09/2071

This sounds like there should be a way to alter that "window".

AIUI the problem is not considered to be with that "window"; i.e. that design point is a very firm\settled detail, both deeper in the OS and that *DATE support diagnosed by the Command Analyzer/Prompter feature. The /problem/ is instead, with the *stored* numeric value that represents the date for that job; i.e. a zero-value is not valid, as there is no zero-day, yet, the zero value is happily [re]presented in other interfaces as the otherwise seemingly valid date of 1928-08-23.

The following posts may be of interest in that regard?:
(https://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/201511/msg00297.html)[DB2: Generating epoch time]

This is V7R1 and oldest pending joblog is from 2015.
Have ended and started joblogsvr and still same.
IPL quarterly..
Cume through 15142, but that was applied after oldest pending joblog.
We did not notice till active jobs got very high.

The invalid\zero value date for what is presumably the Job Message Queue (JMQ) is likely causing issues; e.g. in the ability to specify a PERIOD() value that precedes the minimum supported date value for the *DATE data type for a PARM definition. The job should be removed by an interface that would be achieved irrespective of that date; e.g. End Job (ENDJOB) was noted by Rob -- But, if an origin for the problem is to be pursued, then attempts to rectify that issue, should pend any investigative\debug work.

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