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On 19-Apr-2017 11:40 -0500, Tyler, Matt wrote:
On 29-Mar-2017 16:31 -0500, Rob Berendt wrote:
I just created one using this
-- category: Custom
-- description: Subtotals - With Grouping sets
-- Sample with "Detail", subtotal, grand total
-- The trick is the detail is really a subtotal for each row
-- If you don't want detail, omit
-- Any columns selected which are not part of any grouping set,
or aggregate (like sum)
-- The grouping set below flagged as "Detail"
SPOOLED_FILE_NAME, sum(SIZE) as size, sum(TOTAL_PAGES) as pages,
group by grouping sets (
,() -- Grand Total

I just discovered you 'CAN' have multiple files in that Examples
I have two files: crude.sql, subtotal.sql
It will only refresh the "insert from examples - custom" at startup,
so restart Run SQL scripts or start a new session of it.
Start your comments with lines like the following three:
category, description, blank line.
For example:
-- category: Custom
-- description: Subtotals - using Grouping sets

You lose all your formatting that you store in your example.
You also lose all your comments that you stored in your example.

Help me work through this.

Chuck, I wonder what the insert examples popup looks like for you
with the sample you gave. Outside of the obvious word wrap that
went on with "-- Any columns selected which are not part of any
grouping set, or aggregate (like sum)" I also had to change the
comment style from --(double-dash) to /* */ for the grouping set
comments. Once those two were done it appears in the example pane as
I expect. So there is an expectation of formatting going on.

I am at version of ACS.

I expect Rob could respond; I have inserted his message above to make more conspicuous, that the followup text to the OP was all his.

My reply was just re-posting what Rob had attempted to post, because his post was all but lost to the archives, due to one of the double-dash comments; the comment-line with just one trailing blank. Of course list participants would have seen the entire text in an email; seen too, when obtained from the news server via NNTP, even if a newsReader such as mine would have grayed-out most of his reply. But upon my posting, his text since became visible in the archives -- even if only weeks later.

FWiW, I have never used the "examples" feature of iACS. I just code my SQL how I want, using a plain-text editor, because I have never found any SQL formatting-feature that can easily produce what I prefer; that is especially true of what typically happens with inline comments.

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