On 07-Nov-2014 12:10 -0600, DrFranken wrote:
On 11/7/2014 12:50 PM, CRPence wrote:
<<SNIP>> I wonder if that doc was not updated, or if I
mis-remember about a change having been made to that feature.?
<<SNIP>> I do not believe that the DEFER function handles journals
that are out of sequence however, just SQL and logical files.
While perhaps not for journal receivers to their journals, [at least
for journaled /QSYS.LIB] journaled objects for their not-yet restored
journals seems to have been included as an enhancement. See the
long-running discussion [the past few months] in the archives of this
forum with DFRID in the subject line. See also:
_Journaling behavior when a DFRID is specified on a restore_
"... when the Restore deferred object (RSTDFROBJ) command is run for
that DFRID, an attempt will be made to both restore the deferred logical
files and start journaling objects which deferred journaling. *In
previous releases*, only an attempt to restore the logical files was made.
I do not recall the specific doc I had read in the past, that which I
recall implying the opt-21 changed, but the following doc link perhaps
clarifies an implicit change due to the DFRID() parameter default in
conjunction with the LIB() parameter special values:
_Deferring object journaling during restore_
If a user has save system (*SAVSYS) special authority and uses the
RSTLIB command and specifies the *NONSYS, *ALLUSR, or *IBM values for
the Saved Library (SAVLIB) parameter and specifying *DFT for the DFRID
parameter, the system manages the deferred journaling information. In
all other cases, if the user omits the DFRID parameter, the user must
manage the start journaling requests.
So then I was left wondering...
So if the actual list of actions performed with the Restore Option-21
has *not* changed, then apparently the RSTDFROBJ [or Remove Defer ID
(RMVDFRID)] is something that might be done [optionally?] by the
operator *after* the option-21 restore completes.? I would have
expected that the Restore Deferred Objects (RSTDFROBJ) would have been
performed implicitly via that option-21 [having been added as an
explicit additional step in that list for the Rst Opt-21]. Why would
the default effect of RSTLIB SAVLIB(*NONSYS) DFRID(*DFT) require the
choice of those actions after the Opt-21 restore, instead of adding them?
But then I examined the documentation much closer, and realized the
effect is actually _implicit_ but with\requiring *only* the above RSTLIB
[per default to DFRID(*DFT)]. The following doc [from the same link as
above, used "This command" instead of suggesting "The following
command"; lacking some bullets and\or indentations, so I missed the
implication in the first read:
_Deferred restore examples_
This <ed: the following> command restores all the saved non-system
libraries to the system from tape. The system manages the deferred
journaling for objects that are restored before their journal is
restored. The system attempts to automatically start journaling of the
dependent objects when the journal is finally restored.
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