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> Just curious: Same OS version or different?
iDentical. It was a full save from POWER5 and restore to POWER7. ALL PTFs had been applied on the POWER5 so only changes were to the resource name for the Ethernet line, the IP of the partition and it's default route!

> Does that refer to ENDTCPIFC or some other action?

Though in the future we have change the STRTCP command default to not start IPV6 at all.

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis


On 1/30/2013 8:51 AM, Porterfield, Sean wrote:
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
From: DrFranken
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 21:02
Subject: loopback or loopback which will connect?

Because all database access is local every connection is defined to 'localhost'.
This of course makes the code easily portable to other servers and means any changes to IP won't affect these connections.


Developers finally tried replacing loopback with in the failing scripts. This worked. After fixing a few scripts, all seemed well.

You mentioned PHP and Easycom, which I snipped. When I upgraded to 7.1, I replaced Zend Core with Zend Server, and all my Easycom i5* connections failed. I replaced all my code with db2* connections instead and had to change the database to *LOCAL to match the WRKRDBDIRE RMTLOCNAME name.

A couple weeks later we took a full save and restored it to POWER7.

We decided to fall back to the POWER5 server which was still running.

Just curious: Same OS version or different?

So we simply shut down the IPV6 loopback since we weren't using IPV6 and had Never configured any of it.

Does that refer to ENDTCPIFC or some other action?

I do see that I have a host table entry for ::1 named IPV6-LOOPBACK and IPV6-LOCALHOST that is new, but I don't see any interfaces or routes with IPv6.

1) Have others ran into this seemingly random connection failure problem with loopback while IPV6 is active?

Refer to my previous question as to what you mean by "active".

2) A suggestion that if you are NOT using IPV6 turning it off to prevent that land-mine from being discovered.

A general recommendation is to turn off anything you're not using.
Sean Porterfield

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