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IBM has connected to the community in many ways. COMMON has the CAAC and
CEAC, the ISV advisory council, the LUG, and many other forums where they
collect requirements for the platform. These could be called complaints,
but they are filtered through several working groups of customers,
partners and vendors.

What I am referring to is the constant crap about IBM. IBM's marketing.
IBM's choice of branding. IBM not doing this or that. IBM doing this or
that. I am talking about negativity and complaints, not requirements for
features and enhancements. The one in particular was Gary's first
sentence: "And if IBM hadn't played internal politics and had listened to
the user community i OS would not belong to Apple. Great marketing step
that." (i) IBM does listen (ii) Gary is not a marketing expert (iii) IBM
had their reasons for not choosing iOS, and until someone actually knows
why, this is a complaint. This kind of negativity helps no one - not IBM,
not us.

And no, I do not consider the entire conversation complaining. Just the


On 12/12/12 2:36 PM, "Gqcy" <gmufasa01@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I find it very frustrating that you boil this type of discussion down
to just a series of "complaints".

And why would IBM listen to a bunch of complaints?

Because they are the worlds leading "solutions provider".
people go to them all the time with "complaints".
That's what they do...


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