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I believe it is a 522. It has been working nicely for quite a while. It is a Clinical printer, so it is another person's responsibility. This printer can scan wristbands, fax, copy, and print. I have been moving them away from remote outqueues, as the little workhorses can just flat ignore a print job if they are busy. As a device, that stopped. But, this business today where it just does a buffer flush on PJL is odd. Both PJL and PostScript are enabled. For now, it has been replaced until the network card can be replaced. Should a buffer flush result in something being sent back to the i? I did not see anything in QSYSOPR or the writer job log. If we had not been there to see the buffer flush, there would have been no record that it had happened.

I asked the guy who works on these to try a quick test tomorrow. I want to know if it misbehaves connected to a different port with a different IP address. I am hoping it does the buffer flush again. But, I wanted to see if the behavior was confined to the printer. Yesterday, my 5250 session winked out. Haven't seen that in a long time. Odd thing is I have a second pc connected to the single drop in my office through a switch. Different IP address. It worked flawlessly.

John McKee
John McKee

-----Original message-----
From: "Jim Franz" franz400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 21:00:38 -0500
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: PJL and PostScript

You didn't mention which Lexmark printer (it does matter).
Check the IBM Knowledgebase doc and make sure the mfrtypmdl is set right -
and if SNMP supported, try it, then pjl, and last is lpr...
Postscript - no...
I'm not surprised someone said replace the network card... there have been
issues. If this is an older printer, or old software version in the printer,
check for updates.
It should handle the pjl & postscript switch (if configured right & updated
Is there an ipds card in the printer?

Jim Franz

----- Original Message -----
From: "jmmckee" <jmmckee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:26 PM
Subject: PJL and PostScript

A Lexmark printer on the network prints from at least two systems. One is
HP and that system is sending PostScript. It was working just fine.
However, the i was another system. It was sending PJL.Initially, it was
set up as a remote output queue. I changed it to a device. No difference,
If the output queue was held, the spool file was on the i. Release the
queue, and the job history on the Lexmark showed the spool file arriving
and the buffer being flushed. I was told that this has happened before,
and the network card had to be replaced in the printer. J\I know nothing
would get sent back to QSYSOPR when configured as a remote output queue.
So, I changed it. I did see a message to change forms - which was answered
by reply list. But nothing else.

On v5r4.

The Lexmark actually has PJL as a default.

Two questions:

1) Can v5r4 send PostScript?
2) Anybody else run into this, and if so, were you able to get some
message back on QSYSOPR?

John McKee
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