× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Things that make you go Hmmm. First off glad to here progress was made.
Second it absolutely DOES make sense that a PTF could affect the I/O to
VIOS and consequently the stability of the thing. Third yes a busted MIRROR
would likely make doing a LIC replacement impossible so good you go them
seeing double again. Heck you might have updated LIC the first time and
then booted the OTHER of the mirrored pairs which wasn't updated! OK maybe
not but it would answer the question of where o where did the LIC go.

Oddly enough I DID respond and yes I'm still having Issues with 'Number 5'
(the laptop) and mostly they are with Notes 8.0.3. Some inbound messages
just can't be found and some outbound ones apparently go away *poof*. I
started wondering why you didn't respond to ME before I figured out my post
never made it to the list....

I would proceed with the maximum I/O stress test. Do heavy I/O in i5/OS at
the same time you're copying to tape and such like that. Beat it up and it
better take it with a smile!

On a side note I did PTFs today on the very smallest 8203 that one could
buy (which would be quite comparable to your BCS setup.) Load and apply of
the V6R1 Cume, Hiper, DB, JAVA and HTTP groups from image catalogs took
over 4 hours and that's NOT including the IPL (which we just couldn't bear
to watch). Some individual PTFs loaded for 20 minutes!! No matter how much
horsepower that Power6 chip has the two mirrored SAS drives in the CEC
couldn't be hurried and averaged 100.0 percent busy the entire 4 hours.
(Gee, I wonder where the bottleneck is??) On the up-side though, no VIOS
to update, no SAS module to wonder about, 1/3 the size, can back up
directly to the internal LTO-4 tape drive with native commands, and can be
carried by a mere mortal as well.

Blade center may be our future but IBM is selling them NOW. (ooOOoh IBM are
you listening??? oooOOooh!)

Larry Bolhuis IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert:
Vice President System i Solutions
Arbor Solutions, Inc. IBM Certified Systems Expert:
1345 Monroe NW Suite 259 System i Technical Design and Implementation
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
(616) 451-2500
(616) 451-2571 - Fax
(616) 260-4746 - Cell

If you can read this, thank a teacher....and since it's in English, thank
a soldier.

Pete Helgren
Sent by: To
midrange-l-bounce Midrange Systems Technical
s@xxxxxxxxxxxx Discussion
05/12/2009 07:55
PM Subject
Re: LIC re-install - Confused on
the steps to take
Please respond to
Midrange Systems

24 hours and still running with no part replacements or VIOS update.
That puzzles me even further. Was the resumption of mirroring the fix?
Does the latest CUME have a patch that corrected some I/O issue? What
puzzles me further is that the blade was locking up even without firing
up the i partition. Now it just seems to run!

I still need to try a few things to see if I can break it consistently
again. cfgdev in VIOS seemed to always hammer the blade. Saving to
tape from VIOS was also a good way to crash the blade. So, I need to
try it and see what happens, now that I have parts handy...


Lukas Beeler wrote:
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 15:57, Pete Helgren <Pete@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Some progress at last.

Glad to hear.

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