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I wrote one of these quite a while ago and, outside of what to track is the issue of HOW to track. I move from project to project all day long or I'll get interrupted so how to accurately track the time while juggling so many of them was the thing I focused on.

I ended up with an app that has a timed pop up that checks in on a user definable basis to see if you are still active on the project(s) and allows adjustments to be made along the way.

My issue is *remembering* to track. I used to use a DayTiimer in the 80's slavishly writing down all I had to do, then forgetting to look at the list. Automation is my friend now :-)


Nathan Andelin wrote:
From: Dan Kimmel
Some of the systems are bad, I refused to use them because it
took too long to find the items I needed to report my time against.


Here's a screen shot of where I'm at, so far. I'm using a calendar component to select the entry date. It's also connected to the database to indicate which days have been recorded (using the soft-yellow background color).

The data entry form is pretty simple for the user, but there's quite a bit of asynchronous processing behind the scenes to populate and update the drop down lists:

- Type (Project, Work Request, Calendar Item, Activity Code, ToDo Item, and Plain Text)
- Description

When a user selects work request type (for example), then the adjacent drop-down list shows open work requests assigned to that individual. The other entry types behave the same way, which enables cross referencing hours to various things. If the user doesn't have any open work requests, then that "type" won't even show up in the list.

When a new date is selected on the calendar, an AJAX request is sent to the server to repopulate the calendar item list - to show only events scheduled for that day. Showing only applicable items in drop-down lists keeps them short and makes them easy to navigate.


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