THREAD NOTE: I typed this whole email out and then tried to restart the
server in "normal" mode vs. manual (I guess I had it still in manual from
the last time). Once I did that, and after I got the OpsConsole(LAN) to a
point of asking for the password, it successfully IPL. This thread is
purely being posted in case somebody else has the same issue (and is as much
of an idiot as me :-) The side note at the bottom still applies though -
where can I find a solid sys admin book?
I had the unfortunate need to PWRDWNSYS *IMMED on my dev machine because
some yahoo contractors up the street ripped through my neighborhood's power
cable. I believe the standard way to do this is from the operations console
vs. from a regular 5250 session, but being I didn't have Client Access
installed on my WindowsXP instance on my desktop that wasn't an option.
When I pressed the power button to start the machine up again it eventually
stopped at A6005008 which basically means it couldn't find the console. I
have since installed Client Access and have entered all the info (i.e. ip,
serial, DST profile/password) into Operations Console (LAN), but it is now
telling me that my DST password on the PC doesn't match what is on the
server. Ahhhh!!!! I KNOW I am entering the right password because I
explicitly noted it the last time around and recorded it in my RoboForm. I
am guessing it doesn't like the fact that this is an entirely new Windows/IP
that is trying to act as it's Ops Console(LAN) and for some reason that is
why the passwords don't match.
I would prefer to not go through the process of resetting my DST password.
Is there a way I can tell it to just boot without an OpsConsole?[[[[see
thread note at top for how I ended up booting]]]]
OS level: V5R3
Info for A6005008 -
IPL'd type specified:Source was B
On a side note, can anyone recommend some books that will get me out of
I-am-an-idiot-AS400-admin ?
Aaron "the admin idiot" Bartell
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