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Why not call _C_IFS_tmpnam() to generate the filename so that it's guaranteed to be unique? Seems like that would be less code than your jobname solution, and would work better as well...

You might also be interested in my SMTP utility... it uses sockets instead of QtmmSendMail() which, in my opinion, makes it a lot easier to troubleshoot problems. I wrote it for the following System iNetwork article (requires membership):

James Lampert wrote:
Hmm. For the filename I'm passing on to QtmmSendMail, I'm using a generated name based on the fully qualified jobname, and the time of day, only resolved down to seconds. Could it be that these messages are being queued up so fast that I need sub-second resolution when generating my temporary filenames?

Some of the messages I see in the QMSF joblog suggest that this may be it.

But if anybody has any other ideas, I'm open to them.

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