From: Aaron Bartell
But you can't complain about the ride unless you actually drive the car.
[Aaron and Nathan watch Joe sitting in his EGL car at the dealership
driving it around the parking lot.]
"This car is going to ride so well once I get it on the hi-way! I just
know it!" - Joe Pluta
You're being nasty and disrespectful because you think it's cute, Aaron? Or
do you really not that understand that JSF is simply an extension of JSP
Model 2?
Ah, I hate to drag out the wayback machine, but let's go there. I've got a
book published on putting JSP Model 2 front ends on existing legacy systems.
I've got several clients who have been running their businesses on my
architectures for years. Hell, there are clients running code I wrote 20
years ago. What code were you writing 20 years ago, Aaron?
And I don't just know how to use JSP Model 2, Aaron. I write code that
converts existing RPG and display files into working JSP Model 2 code. That
is, I write code that writes JSP Model 2 code - complex, working JSP Model 2
code including advanced JavaScript functions. I have generated thousands of
working JSP pages. Based on that, do you think that maybe I know enough
about JSP Model 2 to be able to determine whether a given framework will
work? I do.
I've taken that knowledge and used it to test three different releases of
EGL and the JSF code it generates. I've worked closely with the EGL team to
identify what features need to be added to make it "enterprise level" and
all but one are there, and I expect to see the last in the next beta drop
(and no, I can't mention it, because it's beta code).
So while I may not have put EGL systems into production, I know more about
how it works than most people who have.
So go ahead, diss me again, baby. Make my day <grin>.
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