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From: Joe Pluta

This challenge is outstanding forever. I guarantee that I will never pay
off on it. And until then, let's drop the nonsense that Windows security
is equivalent to i5/OS security. That's simply rubbish.

And before some Windows apologist or *nix weenie demands that I hack into
their machine, you're missing the point: your machines have ALREADY been
hacked. The exploits are numerous and documented and more continue to come
down the pike. Meanwhile there has NEVER been a documented case of any sort
of buffer overrun, virus, or indeed anything else on a native i5/OS system
(reaching back to the OS/400 and even CPF days as far as I know).

So while the lack of proof is not proof of lack, I think the case for i5/OS
is substantial. And if you don't, well, then, there isn't much going to
convince you now, is there?


P.S. Windows viruses on the IFS count only as Windows viruses. If you don't
understand why that is, this isn't going to be a very fruitful discussion
anyway <grin>.

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