× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Yes - The longer Lukas spends with the platform, he'll see that there's a
'phone face' that IBM has that isn't the most impressive at it's edge (call
centers). Once you start getting further into the tech support ranks,
you'll see the best there are! Sooner or later, you'll get to recognize
some of them personally and they'll often remember you too. If you ever
feel like you're being ignored at the tech support level and have a valid
gripe... don't be afraid to ask for a 'duty manager'.

Lukas, have you been to an event like Common? You will find that this is
one of the only platforms i've seen where questions and conversions DON'T
fall on deaf ears... you will have direct face to face access to the execs,
product managers, and advocates that drive this platform... they DO listen
to what we say. Heck... you can even spend some time in great sessions by
Trevor and Larry (and others)...

"Anne Lucas"
om> To
Sent by: <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
midrange-l-bounce cc
Backup strategy
06/07/2007 09:26

Please respond to
Midrange Systems

Lukas, your input and challenges faces are valuable. There is nothing
wrong with your pointing out flaws on any platform. This group is the
best to provide input on how to get those flaws corrected or show you a
better way. If your input to IBM has fallen on deaf ears, I would like
to know who you talked with ...IBM is interested in anyone who is having
challenges with its systems. Feel free to contact me separately
alucas@xxxxxxxxxxx 205-823-4831

Frankly, instead of recommending Lukas go to another platform, let's
help him become a passionate System i person!

Anne Lucas


message: 4
date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 14:32:34 +0200
from: "Lukas Beeler" <l.beeler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Backup strategy

I'm puzzled by your reply. The System i isn't perfect, and I don't think
it's bad to talk about the flaws about any given platform - in the long
term this will help the platform to improve.

I've been working with the System i for two years now, and I'm currently
23 years old - thus I'm probably not the average person on this list
that has started on an AS/400. I also don't think that the System i is
the golden bullet to any IT problem.

There are many things that are good about it, but I don't really have
much interest in those, as a technician I have to care about the things
that do not work, or do not work good.

I've had my share of contacts with IBM, and I've submitted several PMRs
and Change Requests, and I've mostly fallen on deaf ears (most probably
because we sell to small businesses and not 5 million US$ 595 like other
people on this list).

I do not think that the System i is a bad platform, and I enjoy working
with it. But I think it's very important to have a look at the flaws of
this platform, and make them public. I'm neither a fan or supporter of
Windows or the System i - I work with both extensively, and I share my
experiences. As I'm not a marketing person, there's not much reason to
share all the good stories about the System i, there's also no reason
for me to post a list of things that Windows does much worse than the
System i.

I regularly blog about my experiences, and I've also published a few
manuals that are more straightforward than IBMs usual writing

I'm not going the retract my "IBM is lazy" statement, as I still
consider it to be true. But if it helps, I will add that Microsoft is
lazy too.

If the consent of this list (and not your sole opinion) is that I should
unsubscribe because I have an opinion different from the Usual
midrange-l groupthink, then I will do so.

Personal replies welcome.


Have a blessed day!
Anne Lucas
Customer Account Executive, Genisys Group, Inc.
205-823-4831 Office, 205-746-6850 Mobile
615-250-4889 eFax or 615-224-2941
email: alucas@xxxxxxxxxxx
AOL Instant Message: So Anne Lucas


-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 7:57 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MIDRANGE-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1127

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of MIDRANGE-L digest..."

*** NOTE: When replying to this digest message, PLEASE remove all text
unrelated to your reply and change the subject line so it is meaningful.

Today's Topics:

1. Re: Backup strategy (Larry Bolhuis)
2. Re: MSFT video demos Host Integration Server (Trevor Perry)
3. RE: How would one run a System i command from a Windows Run
line? (John Candidi)
4. RE: Backup strategy (Lukas Beeler)
5. RE: Backup strategy (Mike Cunningham)
6. Portal for viewing System i5 reports (Don Cavaiani)
7. RE: Backup strategy (rob@xxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:07:04 -0400
from: Larry Bolhuis <lbolhuis@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Backup strategy


Please leave our platform. It obviously does not work for you and I am
puzzled as to why you continue to run it with it's massive flaws, ugly
hacks, and incomplete capabilities. Clear Windows has everything you
would ever need in an operating system. Please enjoy it and I hope tt
will never fail you.

With your last comment I would recommend you apologize to the hundreds
of fine folks in Rochester who put their heart and soul into this
operating sytem. That is an INSULT and you should retract it forthwith.

- Larry

Lukas Beeler wrote:
BRMS console was a nasty hack that required manual interaction with
the system - thus, completely unusable for deployment. With V5R4, BRMS

can finally do all the stuff on it's own.

However, you must start the console monitoring function on the system
console prior to leaving the machine to operate in unattended mode.

SWA is, for all intents and purposes, unusable - it has complicated
requirements for restores and also doesn't work correctly with legacy
programs that are not transaction safe. Thus, SWA is not an option (at

least for us).

And hey, Windows can do all this without any downtime, and without any

special configuration or waiting for V5R4. IBM is just lazy.


Larry Bolhuis IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert
- System i Solutions
Vice President IBM Certified Systems Expert:
Arbor Solutions, Inc. System i Technical Design and
Implementation V5R4
1345 Monroe NW Suite 259 eServer i5 iSeries LPAR Technical
Solutions, V5R3
Grand Rapids, MI 49505 IBM Certified Specialist
System i Integration with BladeCenter
and System x V1
(616) 451-2500 System i IT Simplification: Linux
Technical V5R4
(616) 451-2571 - Fax iSeries System Administrator for
OS/400 V5R3
(616) 260-4746 - Cell

If you can read this, thank a teacher....and since it's in English,
thank a soldier.


message: 2
date: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:19:56 -0400
from: Trevor Perry <trevor@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: MSFT video demos Host Integration Server


While the hardware platform is amazing, it is really i5/OS that is the
reason for the application software success. Should you name the icon

Ultimately, though, what are the users doing? Are they accessing the
No. They are accessing an application that facilitates their job. The
is important to us and important to IT departments. We should market it
much as we can, but the icon itself should be based on ~what~ it does
the user, not ~where~ it does it.

What you should also do, IMO, is rename all the icons for Word, Excel,
Email, etc.. to "Dell". :-)


On 6/7/07 7:26 AM, "Don Cavaiani" <dcavaiani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I don't know - interesting question. I guess I never thought of that.
It could be named BPCS, but they more often here refer to it as the
"AS400" than they do to BPCS. The two are synonymous. My choice
be to name it based on the platform - as that is the underlying reason
for the success of the software package(s) which run on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Trevor Perry
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 7:33 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: MSFT video demos Host Integration Server


How about a different approach? Why don't you name the icon the name
the Software Application - rather than the hardware? What are they
accessing when they click on that icon?

Then, when they are nice and happy, give them a "Best System i User of
the Week" award!


On 6/6/07 8:20 PM, "Don Cavaiani" <dcavaiani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It may be just a little step in the right direction, but I am going
into each of my user's desktop icons (which is their Mochasoft icon
connection to the System i5), and RENAMING it from the "AS400" to the
"System_i5". No one has questioned me on this yet. It will take a
while, but I know this will EVENTUALLY change their way of referring
to our fine system!



message: 3
date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 08:27:46 -0400
from: "John Candidi" <jacandidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: How would one run a System i command from a Windows Run

Wow, I don't know about anybody else, but to this uninformed person,
was a great "lesson". Thanks Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces+jacandidi=rutgersinsurance.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 6:54 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: How would one run a System i command from a Windows Run

Booth Martin wrote:
I do not understand, Scott. I do not even understand where to start
looking. Any hints would be appreciated.

First, you need a program on the System i that will sit and wait for
commands, and runs them. A "server program". This is similar in
concept to the FTP, TELNET, HTTP, SMTP, etc servers, but this is one
designed to run remote commands. It's called the "remote execution"
server, or "rexec" for short.

To start this server on your System i, type the following:


Once started, it'll remain running until you end it with the ENDTCPSVR
command, or until the QSYSWRK (IIRC) subsystem is stopped, or the
systemis powered down, etc... you get the idea. You can also have it
start automatically when TCP/IP is started by typing this:


You can do the same things as STRTCPSVR, ENDTCPSVR and CHGRXCA via
iSeries Navigator (under Network/Servers/TCPIP ) if you prefer that to
the green screen commands.

Once that server has been started, you can run commands from another
system. From another iSeries system, you'd use the RUNRMTCMD command to

run the command. From a Windows system, you'd use the rexec command.

For example, to run the SNDMSG command to send myself I note, I might
type this from Windows XP's Start -> Run box:

rexec as400.example.com sndmsg msg(hello) tousr(klemscot)

This causes it to submit the command "sndmsg msg(hello) tousr(klemscot)"

to the system named "as400.example.com".

You can control the userid that rexec logs onto the system with by
passing the -l switch to rexec. For example:

rexec -l boothm as400.example.com dltf qgpl/test

More info about the iSeries REXEC server can be found in the Information

Center under Networking / TCP/IP Applications Protocols and Services /

More info about the Win XP Pro rexec command can be found here:

Search the Web for REXEC you'll find lots more information (probably too

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To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 4
date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 14:32:34 +0200
from: "Lukas Beeler" <l.beeler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Backup strategy

I'm puzzled by your reply. The System i isn't perfect, and I don't think
it's bad to talk about the flaws about any given platform - in the long
term this will help the platform to improve.

I've been working with the System i for two years now, and I'm currently
23 years old - thus I'm probably not the average person on this list
that has started on an AS/400. I also don't think that the System i is
the golden bullet to any IT problem.

There are many things that are good about it, but I don't really have
much interest in those, as a technician I have to care about the things
that do not work, or do not work good.

I've had my share of contacts with IBM, and I've submitted several PMRs
and Change Requests, and I've mostly fallen on deaf ears (most probably
because we sell to small businesses and not 5 million US$ 595 like other
people on this list).

I do not think that the System i is a bad platform, and I enjoy working
with it. But I think it's very important to have a look at the flaws of
this platform, and make them public. I'm neither a fan or supporter of
Windows or the System i - I work with both extensively, and I share my
experiences. As I'm not a marketing person, there's not much reason to
share all the good stories about the System i, there's also no reason
for me to post a list of things that Windows does much worse than the
System i.

I regularly blog about my experiences, and I've also published a few
manuals that are more straightforward than IBMs usual writing

I'm not going the retract my "IBM is lazy" statement, as I still
consider it to be true. But if it helps, I will add that Microsoft is
lazy too.

If the consent of this list (and not your sole opinion) is that I should
unsubscribe because I have an opinion different from the Usual
midrange-l groupthink, then I will do so.

Personal replies welcome.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Larry Bolhuis
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 2:07 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: Backup strategy


Please leave our platform. It obviously does not work for you and I am
puzzled as to why you continue to run it with it's massive flaws, ugly
hacks, and incomplete capabilities. Clear Windows has everything you
would ever need in an operating system. Please enjoy it and I hope tt
will never fail you.

With your last comment I would recommend you apologize to the hundreds
of fine folks in Rochester who put their heart and soul into this
operating sytem. That is an INSULT and you should retract it forthwith.

- Larry

Lukas Beeler wrote:
BRMS console was a nasty hack that required manual interaction with
system - thus, completely unusable for deployment. With V5R4, BRMS can
finally do all the stuff on it's own.

However, you must start the console monitoring function on the system
console prior to leaving the machine to operate in unattended mode.

SWA is, for all intents and purposes, unusable - it has complicated
requirements for restores and also doesn't work correctly with legacy
programs that are not transaction safe. Thus, SWA is not an option (at
least for us).

And hey, Windows can do all this without any downtime, and without any
special configuration or waiting for V5R4. IBM is just lazy.


Larry Bolhuis IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert
- System i Solutions
Vice President IBM Certified Systems Expert:
Arbor Solutions, Inc. System i Technical Design and
Implementation V5R4
1345 Monroe NW Suite 259 eServer i5 iSeries LPAR Technical
Solutions, V5R3
Grand Rapids, MI 49505 IBM Certified Specialist
System i Integration with BladeCenter

and System x V1
(616) 451-2500 System i IT Simplification: Linux
Technical V5R4
(616) 451-2571 - Fax iSeries System Administrator for
OS/400 V5R3
(616) 260-4746 - Cell

If you can read this, thank a teacher....and since it's in English,
thank a soldier.

This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 5
date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 08:38:25 -0400
from: "Mike Cunningham" <mcunning@xxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Backup strategy

We have a job on the basic job scheduler that starts at 3:00 am, kills
the subsystems we want to shutdown for backup, then we do a SAVE command
for *ALLUSR which includes some IBM libraries including QUSRSYS. We also
do a SAVCFG, SAVSECDTA, then a SAV of the IFS as shown below (we skip
our image files in the IFS on this save)

('/QIBM/UserData/OS' *OMIT) +

After this IFS save we start subsystems back up and then a SAV of the
IFS image files)


Been wanting to switch this over to the newer SWA technique to reduce
the time we are offline at night but other projects have gotten in the

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of as400
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 12:52 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Backup strategy

We're currently reviewing our backup strategy.
What I would be interested to hear is how other shops handle the QUSRSYS


- Do you back it up as part of your nightly saves?
- If not, how often do you back it up?
- How do you back it up?
(e.g. SAVE21 only, SWA, or shutting down everything holding locks
within it, then SAVLIB)?

Somewhat related: Job Q1PSCH (PM/400 scheduler) is holding a lock
within QUSRSYS. Is there an easy way to stop/start this job for backup


This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing
To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 6
date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 07:56:04 -0500
from: "Don Cavaiani" <dcavaiani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Portal for viewing System i5 reports

I have had the WRKCGISPLF program working for some time now and it is
being used regularly!

Today, I ran across a hiccup. We have a System i5 query which is 198
characters wide. When this report is accessed with the WRKCGISPLF, it
is cut off on the right side - in the PDF format. The HTML format shows
the entire width of the report.

Not sure what is going on?

Don F. Cavaiani
IT Manager
Amerequip Corp.


message: 7
date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 09:00:13 -0400
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Backup strategy


Have you looked at journalling your data? You could get really wild.
Journal your data. Every hour (or whatever floats your boat) do a
to generate a new receiver and save the existing one to tape. Then, in
DR situation you could do a RSTOBJ, followed by a APYJRNCHG to get an up

to the minute restore. Saving the receivers, instead of the data,
the day results in a zero percent probability of object lock. Make sure

you use the new V5R4 data area in each library that contains a file to
automatically journal new files. That way if your application does a
of CREATE TABLE on the fly then the new file will be automatically
journaled (regardless of how the library was created - sql gurus will
understand that statement).
What might you lose? Objects not traditionally associated with
Like program changes.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"Jeff Crosby" <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
06/07/2007 07:26 AM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Fax to

RE: Backup strategy

I agree. Via BRMS console, we do a restricted state backup 5 days a
QMPGLIB. Because we can. On Tuesday and Friday it also does SAVSYS.
1:30pm we do a SAVCHGOBJ of *ALLUSR (takes 5 minutes) and at 5:15 pm we
another SAVCHGOBJ of *ALLUSR along with *ALLSPLF. Except for the
this predates V5R4. (And I know BRMS could do spool files before V5R4,
just didn't do it.)

We started the 1:30pm SAVCHGOBJ after our previous iSeries (a 270) threw
power supply so hard midafternoon that it required a complete reload.
backup was from 1am. The CEO asked if there was a way to not have to
reenter half a day's transactions. The 1:30pm SAVCHGOBJ was the result.

Users get a warning 3 minutes prior to that 1:30pm backup. They learned

to return to a menu, or they get signed off.

Jeff Crosby
UniPro FoodService/Dilgard
P.O. Box 13369
Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of my
company. Unless I say so.

-----Original Message-----
com] On Behalf Of Pete Massiello
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:30 AM
To: 'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'
Subject: RE: Backup strategy

You have been able to do unattended backups for some time
using BRMS and the console mode, you don't need to be at
V5R4. I have one of my clients set up, where we go into
Console mode, and they then leave. There is a job on the
standard job scheduler that submits, and then BRMS does a
full system save.

Since when does *ALLUSR need to be in restricted state? I
have been using that for 17 years, and it does not require a
restricted state. It's for that reason that I like using
both *ALLUSR and *IBM as neither will require a restricted
state. *NONSYS requires a restricted state.

In addition, you can use Save While Active. I have accounts
where we are backing up using BRMS, Save While Active, almost
1.6 TB of data each night, and we have very LITTLE downtime.


Pete Massiello
iTech Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Lukas Beeler
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 1:12 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: RE: Backup strategy

We're using BRMS to handle our saves to a tape library.

Currently, we save the complete IFS, and *ALLUSR libraries
every night (yes, that means restricted state - so it's also
V5R4 only).

Every Sunday, we do an automatic unattended save 21
equivalent using BRMS (only possible on V5R4). After that the
System IPLs.

Yes, this methodology brings a lot of downtime with it, and i
would like to do all my backups online - but's currently not
possible with i5/OS.

SWA seems to be something done _really_ halfway, as it is a
giant hassle to restore and get to work. Gotta love Windows's
Shadow Copy Backups.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of as400
Sent: Thu 07.06.2007 06:52
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Backup strategy

We're currently reviewing our backup strategy.
What I would be interested to hear is how other shops handle
the QUSRSYS library.

- Do you back it up as part of your nightly saves?
- If not, how often do you back it up?
- How do you back it up?
(e.g. SAVE21 only, SWA, or shutting down everything
holding locks within it, then SAVLIB)?

Somewhat related: Job Q1PSCH (PM/400 scheduler) is holding a
lock within QUSRSYS. Is there an easy way to stop/start this
job for backup purposes?


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