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Not sure what you mean by database of choice. I thought almost all PHP
ran on MySQL and that currently is not iSeries.

If you mean PHP is not on System i then that is not true - it has been in GA
since last year and runs on V5R3 and V5R4. If you mean MySQL not on System
i that is only partly true. You can install it on the system but it is not
yet IBM supported (that is the point of the announcement) and does not
interface directly with DB2. However, it can and has been installed by many
- see the instructions at www.zend.com/forums/index.php?t=msg&goto=3021 for

My thinking is that if a vendor has a package running on a Windows
platform, they are going to want to continue to have it run there ...

Well I was talking about PHP application vendors (which is the motivation
for bringing MySQL to the box) and as far as I can tell they will happily
run anywhere that PHP/MySQL runs. That includes Windows of course - but
windows servers not PCs per se.

As to the number that _know_ SQL that's a tough question in part because
your definition of "know" and mine won't match. In a couple of recent
sessions (one at COMMON with an audience of about 150) at least 50% of the
audience claimed to be using it regularly in their programs. Did they
"know" it - I have no way of telling as their wasn't a quiz <grin>

You seem to have run into a lot of S/36 style shops - are you by any chance
working the New York area?

Jon Paris


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