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As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

looks like a reliable report. p5 hardware brings in 3x that of i5

Maybe I should have said profits not revenue.  What the p series did for
years was to follow the philosophy that if you lost a few $ on each unit you
sold you could make it up in volume!  It has been the profit margins on the
i Series that has kept the p afloat for years.  That was acceptable to IBM
as a whole because they are now more of a service company than anything and
the p Series like all Unix and Windows type boxes generates huge consulting

...have the technical managers in the i5 division ever gone to IBM
management and told them that look, you are starving our system of
investment and we could sell a lot more systems if we were able to make
across the board improvements to the OS, ILE and languages on the system?

Yes - many times.  There is investment going on - but look back at what I
said earlier about consulting revenues.  How do you justify spending
millions of $ on improving the i5 OS and programming languages if the result
is that you get less consulting revenue?  And by the way - you also get an
iSeries community that demands that the price of the box be comparable to
the p Series? (You're in that camp Steve - but the i Series profits prop up
the p series - so take away the i Series profitability and ...) 

... Does IBM management come down on the technical people and say
something like "look how well the .NET framework and CLI language strategy
is working for MSFT...

I'm not as convinced as you that it is achieving the kind of world
domination you seem to see.  Also they are now increasingly into an arena
where they have to start worrying about backward compatibility - not one of
their strong points.  IBM bet the farm on Java - pure and simple.  That
model can be extended to other languages - after all MS CLI is just a
variation on the JVM/bytecode theme.  

... It is just that with the huge profits MSFT is achieving from the
constant churning of new ideas and products ...

MS - new ideas?  The last one I can recall was "Bob".  Just about everything
else is product that they purchased, or as in the case of CLI an adaptation
of an existing technology.  MS are superb at marketing and have parleyed a
monopoly in desktop operating systems into a huge money making machine.  Are
IBM envious of that - you bet.  MS are also envious of IBM's consulting
revenues - which is why they are so desperately trying to get into that

Jon Paris

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:58 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MIDRANGE-L Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1114

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Today's Topics:

   1. Office objects in DB2 & STRPCCMD (Mike Pantzopoulos - (H/O))
   2. Re: Hypervisor message (Dan)
   3. Re: Hypervisor message (Larry Bolhuis)
   4. Promethius - Did we miss something here.... (Don)
   5. Re: STRDBG/ENDDBG required to prevent Java open exception
      (Peter Dow (ML))
   6. Saving spool files in *SAVF (paramasivam.murugesan@xxxxxxxxx)
   7. RE: Saving spool files in *SAVF (Kevin Wright)
   8. Re: Prometheus (Steve Richter)
   9. AW: How to have multiple views of subfile data? (Hauser, Birgitta)


message: 1
date: Wed, 31 May 2006 10:58:45 +1000
from: "Mike Pantzopoulos - \(H/O\)" <mpantzopoulos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Office objects in DB2 & STRPCCMD

I have been playing with the STRPCCMD to invoke WORD via a vbscript script,
and to pass in substitution values. During my web meanderings trying to
gather information on this integration I came across one reference which
implied that an Office object could be stored in a BLOB field in DB2, but
only by using SQL INSERT. Unfortunately I can't find this item again, but am
desperate for some information on how the BLOB column contents (say a Word
document) can then be rendered on the user's PC presumably by placing it in
the IFS temporarily and firing up WORD with the path/document name.

I am waiting for the iSeries/Ofice integration book from MC Press, but would
like to create a proof of concept now. Any other references people know
about? I have scanned the usual places.  

I am fighting a civil war at my site trying to convince the boss that we can
do everything we need on the iSeries rather than fragmenting our department
into a myriad of machines & platform. So I need to get this proof of concept
working soon. 


Mike Pantzopoulos

EIG-Ansvar Limited
Tel  : 61 (3) 8630 3193

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message: 2
date: Tue, 30 May 2006 18:42:33 -0400
from: Dan <dan27649@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Hypervisor message

Thanks Rob!

I need to remember that the midrange.com archives are not the exclusive
definitive source for answers!

- Dan


message: 3
date: Tue, 30 May 2006 22:33:54 -0400
from: Larry Bolhuis <lbolhuis@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Hypervisor message

They aren't? RATS! Somebody mentioned to me goo something once... Hmmm. :-)

Dan wrote:
Thanks Rob!

I need to remember that the midrange.com archives are not the 
exclusive definitive source for answers!

- Dan

Larry Bolhuis IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert:
Vice President iSeries Technical Solutions V5R3 Arbor Solutions, Inc.
iSeries LPAR Technical Solutions V5R3
1345 Monroe NW Suite 259 iSeries Linux Technical Solutions V5R3 Grand
Rapids, MI 49505 iSeries Windows Integration Technical Solutions V5R3 IBM
eServer Certified Systems Specialist
(616) 451-2500 iSeries System Administrator for OS/400 V5R3
(616) 451-2571 - Fax AS/400 RPG IV Developer
(616) 260-4746 - Cell iSeries System Command Operations V5R2

If you can read this, thank a teacher....and since it's in English, thank a


message: 4
date: Tue, 30 May 2006 23:03:17 -0400
from: Don <dr2@xxxxxxxx>
subject: Promethius - Did we miss something here....

Caveat:  this comment is based on conjecture founded in current industry 
trends and skuttlebut.  It is conjecture.  But:

We may have missed something here.

As is being currently discussed on M-L, for a promethius sized (proposed by 
rumour) system to come forward would not necessarily lend itself to a 
production environment.  Perhaps it's not intended to be a production box.

Where have linux and Microsoft killed os/400(et al names)?  In the 
education/school systems.  We know from trends that people bring to the job 
marketplace and business marketplace the skillsets they learn in 
school.  That's what they hire, buy and use.  That's a big B-school case 
study in 3 sentences.

We also know that IBM is starting a DB2 push initiative into the college 
systems, most predominately in the SE, Appalachians,  etc.

Do to this, they will need a DB2 box the size of a laptop or small desktop 
with appropriate horsepower to keep student/faculty interest.  It will also 
have to be priced comparably to the competition(take your pic of 

The conjecture, based on discourse here and Trevor's blog, etc, would lend 
credibility to the idea that IBM may be creating a lower end, DB2 system 
that will replace the "huggable luggable" of old and be targeted to the 
educational space.

Again, this is conjecture, something I'm on record of late as not 
appreciating much of when it comes to vapor marketing.

But, it does follow the IBM internal and external trends and directions and 
it would be one helluva good idea! :)  Now, would it sell in Peoria?  And, 
is the conjecture reality.


Don in DC


message: 5
date: Tue, 30 May 2006 20:30:12 -0700
from: "Peter Dow (ML)" <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: STRDBG/ENDDBG required to prevent Java open exception

Hi Barbara,

I think you're right -- I changed your program into a procedure and 
added it to Scott K's HSSFR4 service program, and gave it the option of 
named stream files instead of null just to see if it was using them.  
The files all got created, and remained empty even after they were closed.

*Peter Dow* /
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> /

Barbara Morris wrote:
Jon Paris wrote:
 >> ... mentions that three file descriptors should be opened in the job
Java I/O to work when the JVM is started by the invocation API

I notice that in your RPG code Barbara that all files are opened
whereas the C example only opens null1 that way, the others are write
Is that another error in the C example or doesn't it make any difference


Hmm, good catch.  I had another version of the program that opened one
for read and two for write; I forgot about that when I merged them to
use a loop.  The new version does seem to fix up the various problems
with Java I/O.  (I originally wrote it because the os400.stdout and
os400.stderr Java properties seemed to be ignored unless the file
descriptors were opened before any I/O was done by Java.)

I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I suspect not.  I don't think
it could be the case that these file descriptors are actually used for
stdin, stdout and stderr; I think that for some reason they just have to
exist.  If they were actually used, you would probably have to ensure
(somehow) that file descriptor 0 was stdin (read-capable), 1 was stdout
(write capable) and 2 was stderr (write capable).



message: 6
date: Wed, 31 May 2006 09:22:29 +0530
from: <paramasivam.murugesan@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Saving spool files in *SAVF

I would want to save the spool files for later reference. I saved the
outq into a save file using SAVOBJ. While restoring the outq, the spool
files are not there.. Anything I am missing?


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message: 7
date: Wed, 31 May 2006 14:11:21 +1000
from: Kevin Wright <Kevin.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Saving spool files in *SAVF



Kevin W. 

-----Original Message-----
From: paramasivam.murugesan@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, 31 May 2006 1:52 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Saving spool files in *SAVF

I would want to save the spool files for later reference. I saved the
outq into a save file using SAVOBJ. While restoring the outq, 
the spool
files are not there.. Anything I am missing?


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message: 8
date: Tue, 30 May 2006 23:15:26 -0400
from: "Steve Richter" <stephenrichter@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Prometheus

On 5/30/06, Jon Paris <Jon.Paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 >>The p5 is successful and it's system software ( DB2 ) is sold per user.
IBM makes money and the customers are buying a lot of p5s. A good deal all
around, no?

I don't know if it is still true Steve - but for many many years the p
series lost money big time.  It was the revenues form the I series that
it going.  It would not surprise me that much if it was still the case.


1st quarter 2006 sales:
  xSeries $954 million
  zSeries $555 million
  pSeries $733 million
  iSeries $237 million

looks like a reliable report. p5 hardware brings in 3x that of i5 hardware.

I know I'm going to regret asking this - but just what _do_ you like about
the System i?  I don't recall ever seeing anything in your notes other
complaints about the capabilities/horsepower/price/etc.

I remember a job interview some years back and the MIS director guy
told me he didnt think I liked the system. It was kind of funny. The
next interview the person who interviewed me was pretty smart and I
got the job offer.

There is a lot I like about it. The ability to do problem
determination is excellent on this system of ours. I got a call on
friday that a job I had changed had bombed. The operator put
everything to the side for me and come tuesday I was able to look at
the joblog and pretty easily see what had gone wrong.

I am still able to make money coding on the i5.  Actually have done
more i5 programming in the last 18 months than I had done the 4 yrs
before that.  I just worry IBM is not improving the system and there
is going to be less and less work on it.

Let me ask you Jon, have the technical managers in the i5 division
ever gone to IBM management and told them that look, you are starving
our system of investment and we could sell a lot more systems if we
were able to make across the board improvements to the OS, ILE and
languages on the system?

And the other way around. Does IBM management come down on the
technical people and say something like "look how well the .NET
framework and CLI language strategy is working for MSFT. Why have you
all not been proposing a common framework and language structure for
all the IBM platforms? Why did you all not follow thru on ILE?"

Just joking, you dont have to answer. It is just that with the huge
profits MSFT is achieving from the constant churning of new ideas and
products, you would think some large investor or high level executive
in IBM would challenge the company to match microsoft's achievements.



message: 9
date: Wed, 31 May 2006 08:58:01 +0200
from: "Hauser, Birgitta" <Birgitta.Hauser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: AW: How to have multiple views of subfile data?


we normally use two subfiles that are filled in paralell.
When toggeling we either show the first or second one and position to the
appropriate subfile row.

Option fields are named equally.

Mit freundlichen Gr??en
i.A. Birgitta Hauser
Consulting | Software | Service
Carl-Zeiss-Stra?e 1
63755 Alzenau
Tel:         + 49 6023 951-255
Fax:        + 49 6023 951-111
Internet.  www.lp-gmbh.com
Handelsregister: Aschaffenburg HRB 4720
Gerichtsstand und Erf?llungsort Alzenau
Ust-IdNr.: DE132093146
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Rudolf Gerbert
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: midrange-l-bounces+birgitta.hauser=lp-gmbh.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces+birgitta.hauser=lp-gmbh.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Im
Auftrag von Wilt, Charles
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mai 2006 20:59
An: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Betreff: How to have multiple views of subfile data?


I've gotten a request to put together a subfile program that allows the
user to choose between two different views of the data.

In one view, each subfile record takes two lines.  In the other, each
subfile record takes 3 lines.  Note that while about 75% of the fields
are the same between the views, all the fields on line two of one view
don't show up at all on the other view.  Kind of like the different
"views" IBM provides in the WRKSPLF command for example.

I've never had a request like this before, in the past I've always made

I thought I'd see if anyone had run into this type of request and how
you handled it.

I've considered having multiple subfiles defined in the DDS.  Or perhaps
using a single subfile with just one long text field.  Unless I'm
mistaken, with either of those techniques, it would be easiest to use a
page at a time subfile so that I could show the same screen back to the
user when they switched views.

Perhaps DDS is not the right tool for this request and I should use UIM.

Thoughts anyone?


Charles Wilt
iSeries Systems Administrator / Developer
Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America
ph: 513-573-4343
fax: 513-398-1121

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