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>What I don't understand is why they don't use rechargeable batteries.
>That way, when main power is on, the battery is always at full charge, no 
need to replace.
>Or am I missing something?

The ones that the tech pulled out of our 270 a few years ago *were*
rechargable. I don't know if they were NiCd or NiMH, but the 'Ni' part was
clearly visible on the side of one of the cells that the heat-shrink didn't

Funny thing was that the tech said he had to put them in a sealed bag, and I
had to sign as a witness to him doing so. Why I don't know. He said it was
to keep the techs from supplying themselves with free rechargable AAs. :)

But it doesn't matter really, since even if they are rechargable, they are
probably only good for a certain number of discharge cycles. And if any of
the other battery packs we use for other equipment are represenative, then a
lifespan of 2-3 years would be completely average under normal use.

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