× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

The problem came about after an upgrade to
the latest version.  After the upgrade, the 
system did not work well.  The problem was
traced to a PTF on a cume released by IBM
and installed on our system weeks prior to 
the upgrade.  So the problem was that 
their new release did not work with the
latest IBM PTFs until after they did a PTF
of their own.  

So no, I did not "expect them to get the PTF from 
IBM and apply it to our system".  I expected them to test
their new release on a fully up-to-cume system
and know if there were issues.  And fix them right 
away (which they did within a week).  And not tell
me 'Call IBM" but instead tell me "we are working with
IBM and will resolve the problem"

I want to note that the problem was not catastrophic.
One or more of the remote journals would go down at random
intervals and had to be manually restarted until the 
problem was fixed. Restarting it was easy, and notification 
that the journal was down was automatic, we just had
to babysit it for a while.

The original question was "Has a HA vendor every told
you to 'Call IBM?'" and our answer was Yes.

>>> Ron-Zimmerman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2/14/2006 9:31:53 AM >>>
If the problem is because a PTF is needed from IBM, what else would you

expect the vendor to do?

It sounds to me like they identified the problem as a missing PTF and
you how to fix it.  Do you expect them to get the PTF from IBM and
it to your system?

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