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> Which of course explains why we constantly throw away our RPG code and
> start over, eh?  ;)

WHO does THAT?!?!?

> I'm curious, what makes a Windows box "go" out of date. Sure, older
> boxes may not support newer technology, but if you're looking for a
> simple text-based interface, isn't DOS still viable? . . . If the
business needs didn't change
> I see no reason that the Windows OS would have to.

You know that, and I know that, but try telling that to those who keep on
buying the "latest, greatest" just for the sake of having the "latest,
greatest." Or to Symantec: if you want a reasonably current Norton
AntiVirus for your NT 4.0 box, that will let you renew your virus
definition subscriptions, you'll probably have to find it on eBay.

I've personally had at least 4 desktop computer replacements shoved down
my throat in the past decade. Few if any have been truly necessary, and
nearly all have been accepted under protest (and have resulted in severe
frustration, trying to get the user interface deranged to a point where I
can stand to use it -- if Microsloth put as much effort into protecting
their products from malware as they do into protecting them from users
trying to put in comic relief icons, WinDoze XP would be as secure aso

My own computer fleet consists of a Macintosh Performa 5215, a cheap,
generic PC-DOS 2000/Red Hat Linux 8 box, and two Compaq 486 notebooks
running PC-DOS 2000. The cheap generic box replaced a roughly
fifteen-year-old Tandy 1000SL (8MHz 8086). I don't own a single box with
any version of WinDoze on it, and I'm damn proud of that fact.


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