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Look at CHGTCPDMN (f4) does this look like
Host name search priority . . . *LOCAL
if it does not have to be *LOCAL change it to *REMOTE I do not think anything needs to be restarted. I am not for sure what all it looks at when *LOCAL (some are going to say the host file, but I feel it is more then that), but it tries to deliver the mail to the AS400.

Another thing I do is my mail software has an alias of mail so I add that to the address spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that forces it to host of mail instead of looking for MX records or an A record

I am not sure what the message means you did not say if you telneted on port 25 (SMTP) (not the default port for telnet port 23) and if you got it right away. I could telnet in on port 25 but not 23

John Ross

John Allen wrote:

I know this has been covered before, and I have read through many messages
in the archives but have not found the solution.

I have set up our AS/400 to use SNDDST and I can send emails to people
outside of our domain (such as georeg@xxxxxxxxx or frank@xxxxxxx)
But I cannot send emails to anyone in our company (example to myself)

I see in the archives that I should try to telnet to our mail server and I
attempted that. I get a message:
sosrv35.dfw9.maint.ops.us.uu.net ESMTP not accepting messages I cannot find in the archives what this message means (I am not a telnet or
SMTP guru)

Can anyone point me to the next step I should take in trouble shooting this.
1) Why can I send emails outside but not within our company
2) What does the telnet message mean?

Thanks for any assistance you have to offer

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