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Maybe they're saving all the budget for the Superbowl commercials featuring
"Legends of iSeries".


-----Original Message-----
From: G Armour [mailto:garmour400m@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 3:31 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: iSeries (non-) Marketing - part 24,566

I laughed, I cried, I screamed (you know, like
'AAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!") when I read the following "Out of context"
from NEWS Wire Daily: "I was watching tennis on TV with my two kids, and at
the end, when the eServer ad came on and mentioned the xSeries, both of them
turned to me and said, 'Mom, where's the iSeries commercial?" - Cecelia
Maresse, IBM v.p. of iSeries marketing

There is actually an IBM v.p. of iSeries marketing?!?!?  Does anyone work
under her?  Does she have a budget?  No insults intended to Ms. Maresse (but
insults *specifically* hurled at IBM), but what exactly does she do all day?
Trusting that Ms. Maresse is a bonafide marketing professional, I can only
imagine the frustration she must feel at trying to promote a platform that
gets ZERO attention from the eServer marketing wonks who control the
advertising dollars.

Yes, I already know that IBM makes their money from services and there's
much more services revenue potential from xSeries than from iSeries, so I
know *why* IBM doesn't advertise iSeries.  But still, an IBM v.p. of iSeries
marketing?  Does she do anything functionally more than preach to the choir?

Wonders never cease.


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