× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


my help wasn't very helpful, since what I suggested doesn't work.... :(

I have tried and tested this, so it should be good.

First, (at least temporarily) change your job date format this way:

chgjob datfmt(*ymd)

date format will only last as long as your session or job.

Then, assuming you have two dates CYYMMDD, create these fields in your

YY1         substr(digits(filedate1),2,2)

MM1         substr(digits(filedate1),4,2)

DD1         substr(digits(filedate1),6,2)

YY2         substr(digits(filedate2),2,2)

MM2         substr(digits(filedate2),4,2)

DD2         substr(digits(filedate2),6,2)

DAYSDIFF    days(date(yy1||'/'||mm1||'/'||dd1

resulting query gives this:

 filedate1   filedate2      DAYSDIFF
  990,115     991,001           259-
  991,231   1,000,101           364
  991,230   1,020,101           363
1,020,101   1,020,201            31-

hope this helps,


---original message-----
First, thanks to all of you for helping me with this issue.

No, I have not been successful using query to get the # days calculated.
All due to the field format.   I have tried every flavor and then some.
I gotta say I sure have learned alot about query.  I was success ful in
getting the day to the right 8 char but after I got it to charactor day
could not get it back to numeric date format.

Gail Crane
Johanson Manufacturing Corp.
phone 973-334-2676

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