× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Things are not that simple in a (B TO B) or (B to C) World.  It really depend 
on your type of business and what type of customer you are dealing with.  
Especially, in todays tight market where you have competitors willing to 
fuilfil any customer need to have their business.  You don't have a choice, if 
the technology is available and the business can afford it.


-------Original Message-------
From: meovino@estes-express.com
Sent: 02/07/03 01:23 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@midrange.com>
Subject: Re: Output from PF to Excel XLS file in IFS

> forgive me for being flippant, but if the user 'absolutely, positively,
> will not accept anyting but an honest-to-god XLS file', and he/she
> has the pull to make such an unreasonable mandate, tell him/her that the
> cost of purchasing SEQUEL will come out of her/his budget!  ;)

Unfortunately, not an option ;-)  I'm trying to get them to do the math to
justify the cost based on timesavings.  It will work out, but I'm not
to do it for them.

> as far as other options - I've never done this, but can't you (at least
> 'semi') automate the process of importing external data (in this case, a
> .csv) into an excel template file, creating a new excel spreadsheet?
> a VB macro, or some such.

CSV won't cut it; we're doing that right now.  Excel displays numbers with
more than 12 (?) digits in scientific notation, no matter how wide you
the column.  It's a "feature."  I need to be able to format that column as
text.  If we wrap the value in double quotes with the CPYTOIMPF command,
Excel still treats the field as a number if there's no text in the field
(even blank spaces won't help).

VB macros are not an option.  We want to mail this out to customers, from
program that runs on schedule in batch, with no human intervention.

Mike E.

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