× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> From: Syd Nicholson
> To go back to a network of Windows machines just to run IE on them will
> cost me the $8000 dollars/annum mentioned above. IE is not free- it is
> very expensive!!!

You've said this several times, Syd, and I guess I'm just confused.  Since
when does it require a "Windows network" to run IE?  My network consists of
OS/400, Linux, NT, Win2K and WinME.  Each piece does what it was meant to do
(except for WinME, which basically does whatever it feels like).

It would cost you less than $500 to set up a small Windows client.  They
have book-sized computer cases now that are perfect for running small,
dedicated machines.  For about $50 you can get an A/B switch for your
keyboard and monitor, and the total footprint is perhaps 12 square inches.

Ideal solution?  No, but as you point out, there is no ideal solution.  But
this way, you have a complete Windows-capable machine without any worries
about your mission critical systems.

There is no sound reason not to have a Windows machine on your network.  One
workstation doesn't somehow transmogrify your network into a bunch of
Windows NT "servers".  It's just a peer, like any other, except that now
your browser issues go away.


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