× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Leif asked - what am I missing? jobs are UNIQUE on the system...

I wish !

On a busy system, when the job number rolls over, (from 999,999) to one
the various scheduling packages I've seen, which list job histories by job
number, the most recent job, instead of being shown at top of the display,
ends up at the bottom. Fine, if you know to scroll down. Not, if you assume
it didn't run.

I meant only that checking for a simple job name isn't enough, as this
duplicates. That such a pgm would have also to check job status.

(Although, if you submit a job to ENDJOB ABC, say, scheduled for a future
- just before backups, for example -  it'll work - so long as there is only
one job called ABC to be ended at that time.)

But, especially with group profiles such as OFFLINE, PERIODEND etc it is
to have one active job & one job on an outq with the same complex name. The
job index entries are of course unique, but if a job is addressable to us
only by its complex name, (name/user/number) it can't be considered unique
for programming purposes.

Sorry to quibble; If anyone has an example of the API use, I'd love a copy.


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