please Rob, go off list with this. ----- Original Message ----- From: Rob Dixon <rob.dixon@erros.co.uk> To: <MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:10 AM Subject: Re: *** ADMIN: New list -- ISN-Citizens! > JT > > > > As always you have a sharp eye for detail. However, I could disagree with > > you on several points. > > > > Rather than what Leif suggested, I would suggest we take this topic > > off-line, if you want to debate. > > No JT, there is no point. Please don't make factual statements in public > relating to me that are inaccurate. > > > While I got you "on the phone" let me ask you this: I visited the IAiC site > > today, for the first time since I "un-joined". I was looking for one > > particular paragraph, for a letter I'm writing to someone at IBM. It was > > the one that listed 4 steps to collaboration. I couldn't find it. If you > > feel like it, and you know the post I'm referring to, can you e-mail it to > > me PRIVATELY please. TIA. > > I don't know why you cannot find it on the site. I have not removed anything and > I don't think Joe has. > > I presume you mean one of the letters to Zeitler. > > I have pasted in here the text of both. Hope that this is what you want > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- > > October 24, 2000 > > > > Introduction > > As I said in my previous letter, it appears that the > iSeries is your ticket to short-term profits as well as long-term growth. That's > > an unbeatable combination. > > The architecture of the 400 is also unbeatable. The > primary design principle was to be able to grow over time. It has a 20-year > track record that clearly demonstrates the validity > of that principle. Given that track record, it is clear to see the platform can > continue to grow at both the top and the bottom. > There is no doubt that, given sufficient resources, the iSeries can grow to take > any shape or form that would be required in the next > 20 years. > > IBM demonstrated clear vision to see the inherent > value of the Internet. I believe that same clear vision is necessary to see that > > the iSeries has the most potential to help IBM > realize the full value of the Internet. > > Some or all of this may be obvious to you. It may, > or may not, be equally obvious that the only way to accomplish these things is > through dramatically increased sales. It may be > obvious that the only way to do that is by empowering your customers to help you > accomplish this. I belabored the points above, > because I think they justify your making this extraordinary effort to empower > your > customers in this way. > > > > Optimal solution > > I am relatively certain that the optimal solution, to > the question of how to dramatically increase sales of the iSeries line, primarily > > involves two things: > > 1.Ramping up manufacturing capability (because the > new N.Y. facility won't be online soon enough) > 2.Assisting your customers so they can create both > a non-profit and a for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the use > of the iSeries > > > Why > > Point #1 should be clear from the third quarter sales > of iSeries and pSeries eServers. > > Point #2 requires some explanation. I hope you can > bear with me on this one. > > There are several ways a new user organization can > help the iSeries, and all of IBM: > > One way, as I mentioned in my previous letter, is to > help organize and administer a program where enthusiastic customers can go > on sales calls to educate potential purchasers about > the advantages and disadvantages of the iSeries. > > Another is to design, develop, and deliver the best > possible education on any and all aspects of the iSeries--free of charge to > members. This is a component of the idea to send > volunteers to potential customers. The free membership to the organization > could be used to entice volunteers. But the aim is > much broader than that. The problem today is not lack of educational material, > but lack of usable material. In fact, the problem is > often too much material. This organization can determine how to make the > vast amounts of information accessible to the > customers. If the necessary materials are not available, then the group will > need to > develop them. > > Yet another way this organization can serve is to > provide objective "propaganda" to the media. This is a very promising area > because this can be accomplished by a small, > dedicated group. It doesn't require as much coordination as other projects. The > > group can act as a watchdog over the media, keeping a > vigilant eye over misconceptions and out-and-out misrepresentation of the > facts. Keep in mind however, that for this area to > be included in the non-profit organization, anything written would need to be > objective. Fortunately, the objective facts favor > the iSeries. > > But possibly the biggest ways this organization can > help both IBM and the iSeries community are: > > 1.By clearly identifying the markets' current and > future needs > 2.By promoting communication between IBM and the > market (and it's customers) > > From what I'm seeing, it is extremely difficult for > IBM to gauge what the market really needs. Especially given the fact that the > market itself does not know what it needs. In an > interview, Mr. Jarosh said that the integrated product development (IPD) > process was put into place specifically for this > purpose. I'm not talking about replacing that process, but augmenting it with > another view. I'll give one brief example of where > the IPD could be improved. My understanding is that the iSeries DNS is > wide-open to attacks by hackers, and that it has > been like this for several releases of the OS. Nobody can look a potential > customer in the eye and say the iSeries is a good > eServer if these facts are correct. I got this from a pretty reliable source, so > I > would say this is one example where your customers > can alert you, in advance, to serious problems that might slip through the > cracks. > > A similar, but unrelated, area this organization can > help IBM is by keeping "it's finger on the pulse" of the marketplace. By reading > > the pulse and reporting the findings, in writing, to > the appropriate area within IBM, the organization can perform a valuable > service. Again, I'm not suggesting that this should > replace the market research and focus groups that are currently being done. > This information can be used to improve the current > market research. > > The above examples show how this organization can > help promote communication between IBM and it's customers in the areas of > product development and marketing. But better > communication is a deliverable in its own right. > > Customers have problems that IBM can easily > solve, if only the customer knew who to call. This organization can help route > problems to the correct department in IBM. > All customers are going to have an element that > rants and raves. This organization can give these elements an avenue to > rail against you. The ranting can be siphoned > off, and the cream of these ideas can be presented in a reasonable way. > This organization can act as an agent of > change. This organization can pound the iSeries community on the areas they need > > to improve on > > > > Funding > > I believe this organization can be funded by annual > dues in the neighborhood of $100 per individual. There may be a use for > corporate memberships priced on a sliding scale > depending on annual sales. I think these amounts are easily justifiable by the > free education and other benefits. I don't have an > opinion if vendors should have a special class of membership. > > I also believe that this organization will provide > monetary benefits to IBM. I would think that certain areas would have to be put > into a for-profit "feeder corporation" that would be > owned by the non-profit organization. I believe certain of the activities will > not > qualify, by law, as activities of a non-profit. (For > example volunteers going on sales calls and providing what's basically market > research.) I'm not a lawyer, and I haven't done much > research on this to know exactly which activities would be in which > corporation. > > I believe increased sales, along with reduced > expenditures in some areas, would justify IBM paying for the services of this > for-profit > enterprise. This would probably end up being the > primary method of funding the activities of the non-profit organization. > > The other reason for the division between the > non-profit and for-profit corporations is that it is, in my opinion, absolutely > critical to > maintain an independent organization in order to > maximize both the organizations' dealings with IBM and it's contacts to people > outside the iSeries community. > > > > Conclusion > > I lot of what I've written here could apply to any of > your products in the eServer line. I believe these ideas can get the biggest > bang for the buck if used to promote the iSeries. I > say this because the iSeries can join with the pSeries to form the "bSeries" (as > I > stated in my letters to Mr. Gerstner). This computer > would be in a class by itself. The "bSeries" can grow upward, it can grow > downward. It would simply be the best and most > marketable computer available. > > But the reason these ideas will work best with the > iSeries is because of the extremely large and loyal customer base that it enjoys. > > The many people who are active in the forums could > create a momentum that could increase the number of members in this > organization. > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > October 19, 2000 > > > > Introduction > > From everything I can tell, the following assumptions > that I'm using are correct: > > The iSeries 400 has a good profit margin > The 400 has the best customer loyalty of almost > any platform > Customers that get a 400 tend to stay with it, > and purchase upgrades for it > > If these assumptions are correct, it appears that the > 400 is your ticket to short-term profits as well as long-term growth. The > resources spent getting new 400 customers would > return immediate results, and at the same time, insure future profits. The > acquisition costs of new 400 customers can therefore > be spread over a longer period. This is an excellent combination of benefits. > > Gaining new customers, and mindshare, also combats > the primary deficiency of the iSeries. That, of course, is it's "legacy" image. > The image that keeps the 400 from coming to mind when > a server needs to be purchased. Many, both outside and within the > iSeries community, believe that the platform does not > have good prospects against the Sun/Oracle/MicroSoft/Intel marketing > muscle. > > Of course, I'm not telling you anything. These > concerns have been around for a while, and haven't changed much in the last > couple > years. It would appear that this vicious cycle is > intractable. In fact, those of us who've been with the platform 10 to 20 years > have > been following these issues over the decades. > > > > Non-solution > > I began roughing out something like a white-paper > yesterday evening. I was honing in on the following conclusions: > > 1.There isn't sufficient money available to > overcome the iSeries "legacy" image > 2.People don't pay the right kind of attention to > ads > 3.eServer advertising will be slow to pay > dividends > 4.The 400 Division can do the best job marketing > the iSeries > > I haven't completely thought through all these > points, but I can send you what I have if you'd like. But even though I believe > most > of the above is correct, I don't believe these ideas > are pointing to the best solution to increasing 400 sales. > > > > > Optimal solution > > The optimal solution depends on the answer to one > question: Do you have confidence in the adaptability of your sales force? I'm > assuming that Business Partners and Sales Reps still > make calls to close the sales. The reason I ask the question is because: > > The quickest, surest, low-risk way to ratchet up 400 > sales is to... > have your customers do it. > > > Why > > The iSeries Division's primary assets are the > architecture of the 400, and it's loyal customers. The technology isn't selling > itself. > Effective marketing could and would help this > situation. But as I've glanced at discussions over the last few years, great > attempts > have been made. Outstanding efforts. Over and over > and over. No doubt they've helped sell the 400 immensely. The > re-branding may, in the end, also help. > > But the marketing isn't breaking the vicious cycle. > I'm starting to doubt if it would ever be possible, because if marketing could > have turned 400 sales around, I believe it already > would have. Contrary to most in the 400 community, I don't believe it's a case > of lack of effective marketing (though it could be > improved). The problem is not just solvable by marketing alone. > > Clearly, superior technology is not going to sell the > 400. The technology is obviously superior to those who see it. Those customers > have already been won over. > > The current method of selling the 400 is making > incremental gains. As I said at the start, the goal should be making major > inroads into the competition. > > > > How > > OK, if you're still interested in this, the thing is > that you have to forget about the "How". The "How" confronts the issues of what > is > do-able and what is not do-able. Before that, you > have to accept the premise that you're not going to make inroads into your > competition any other way. The current techniques > are not working... Not because they're not good methods. It doesn't even > matter if they are, or aren't. They haven't worked. > They would have worked by now. The market has spoken. Time to listen to > the customer and especially the non-customer. If we > can't connect on this point, then you need not read any further. > > > > How > > This is the fun part, to me! This is systems design > (I learned long ago that systems had only a little to do with computers). > > I'm not going to hype you. I don't have a master > plan. I know I can work one out. It takes IBM and a group of devoted > customers to implement the plan, so obviously I can't > speak to whether it will work or not. I don't know you. That may scare you > off. I can assure you that if the things come > together, it will work better than your current plans, and probably cost a > fraction of > what you were planning to pay. > > The crown jewel, in my humble opinion, of this plan > is to ask the loyal, devoted 400 customers if they want to DO SOMETHING to > help the 400, to help their own community. The > forums overflow with suggestions how the 400 should be marketed. Go on the > offensive and ask them what they're willing TO DO > about it. > > If I may be so bold, I would recommend that you use > Common to issue this challenge: > > "How many of you out there are willing to go with a > salesperson, out to a customer, to tell them what you think of your 400??? Let's > > see a show of hands." > > You can eyeball the room and estimate a 5% response > or a 25% response. If the response is real decent (as I would expect) you > immediately re-issue the challenge: "No, I'm not > talking about how many of you like the 400; I'm talking how many of you will take > > time out of your schedule -- maybe a couple hours a > month out of your schedule -- and make a trip out to a customer." > > Now at this point there are a couple paths. If the > response is not good, you go with the bad cop. "People talk about marketing > the 400. Few want to stand up and do something." If > the response remains strong, the speech is a little trickier. The two issues I > think you'll need to deal with are: > What do we get for our effort? > Why don't you do more to help market the 400? > > I can't help but to get more controversial -- but no > pain, no inroads into your competition. (I digress, but I can't recommend > things outside of the context of whether they're > affordable. The best solution is obviously affordable. But I don't know the > numbers.) I believe the best answer to "What do we > get" is free education. What's the profit in 400 education? I cannot imagine > how it could possibly be equal to the amount of > customer good-will you'd get to give it away for free. I'm no philanthropist. > I'm > talking about building sub-brand equity. This is my > opinion regardless of whether you take any of these suggestions or not. > Particularly in light of the fact that if you sell > the 400 in the numbers I would expect, the momentum will implode on itself for > lack of > a competent work-force. I really enjoy putting > systems together that "kill two birds with one stone" because you can help your > cause several ways by trading free education for > customer loyalty. > > This is why I referred to this solution as > multi-dimensional. You're selling, you're training, you're building brand > equity. > > As for the issue "Why don't you (IBM) do more" -- I > have an excellent solution in mind: you throw me a bone. > > I could make suggestions (I have made suggestions) > but I want to hit my deadline, and I don't really know what you want to do. > It's none of my business, but I believe I can > contribute perspective to this issue, if you want. > > > The > Downside > > I'm not as good as I thought, because I thought I'd > have this pretty well figured out by now. The primary downside is opposition > by your sales force (Sales Reps and/or BP). That's > why I asked how adaptable they are. As far as I know, IBM has never done > this. It places extreme demands on your salespeople. > > You can collect info on the customers who volunteer > to do your selling. You can match them to prospects by industry, job duties, > maybe even personality. But you can't control them. > First of all, it wouldn't work. Second of all, you'd just give up the advantage > that they have for you. You start training these > volunteers and the advantage they offer all of a sudden turns into a > disadvantage. > > You have to train your salespeople how to work off of > the volunteer they're matched up with. If the volunteer is technical, the > salesperson shouldn't be. If the volunteer is quiet, > the salesperson should be the opposite. They need to work as a team, except > that the volunteer can't be working as a team. It > won't be as effective. > > I believe your sales force is trainable. If the > pilots turn in good results, you might make BP participation mandatory. > > > > Conclusion > > I'm not saying this will be easy to accomplish. I'm > just saying this is the best way to get the message across. This is the way to > get the message to penetrate. This is the way to > turn brand equity and image into profits. > > Do I have all the answers? Obviously not, or I would > have allocated enough time to write about some of my other ideas. By writing > about just the one, I take the risk that you might > have liked some of the other ideas, but you won't want to look at them because > you think this one isn't good enough. > > I just have to take that risk, because I wanted to at > least cover the bases here. And I also think it's important to keep your > commitments. > > Thank you, sir, for your time. Please let me know if > I can be of assistance in the future. > > > jt (James J. Toran) > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Best wishes > > Rob > ________________________________________________________ > > Erros plc > > 44 (0) 1844 239 339 > > http://www.erros.co.uk - The AS/400 Neural Database for the Internet > > _________________________________________________________ > > > > +--- > | This is the Midrange System Mailing List! > | To submit a new message, send your mail to MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com. > | To subscribe to this list send email to MIDRANGE-L-SUB@midrange.com. > | To unsubscribe from this list send email to MIDRANGE-L-UNSUB@midrange.com. > | Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator: david@midrange.com > +--- +--- | This is the Midrange System Mailing List! | To submit a new message, send your mail to MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com. | To subscribe to this list send email to MIDRANGE-L-SUB@midrange.com. | To unsubscribe from this list send email to MIDRANGE-L-UNSUB@midrange.com. | Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator: david@midrange.com +---
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