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  • Subject: Reply: CHKSAVTAP - Source on V3R1
  • From: Chang Vengoal <Vengoal.Chang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 18:37:02 -0600
  • Importance: high

Title: Reply: CHKSAVTAP - Source on V3R1

the following is source:

 /* TAATAPD - Check Save Tape - CHKSAVTAP                            */
 /*PARMS PGM(TAATAPDC) PRDLIB(TAATOOL)                               */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* The Check Save Tape command performs a read of a tape  ,         */
 /*   created by a save command. Nothing is done with the data.      */
 /*   The command acts only as a sanity check to help determine      */
 /*   if the tape is still usable. Note that a successful            */
 /*   completion will not ensure that the tape can be restored       */
 /*   properly. It only ensures that the tape can be read.           */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* The CPP is TAATAPDC.                                             */
 /*                                                                  */
             CMD        PROMPT('Check Save Tape - TAA')               
             PARM       KWD(DEV) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) +                
                          MIN(1) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Device')          
             PARM       KWD(PRTSUM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) DFT(*NO) +     
                          RSTD(*YES) VALUES('*YES' '*NO') +           
                          PROMPT('Printed summary')                   
             PARM       KWD(INQMSG) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) DFT(*YES) +    
                          RSTD(*YES) VALUES('*YES' '*NO') +           
                          PROMPT('Inquiry msg if not 1st tape')       

/* TAATAPDC - CPP for CHKSAVTAP - Check save tape  */                 
             PGM        PARM(&DEV &PRTSUM &INQMSG)                    
             DCL        &DEV *CHAR LEN(10)                            
             DCL        &PRTSUM *CHAR LEN(4)                          
             DCL        &INQMSG *CHAR LEN(4)                          
             DCL        &INQMSGRPY *CHAR LEN(10)                      
             DCL        &LABEL *CHAR LEN(17)                          
             DCL        &VOLID *CHAR LEN(6)                           
             DCL        &KEYVAR *CHAR LEN(4)                          
             DCL        &COUNT *DEC LEN(5 0)                          
             DCL        &COUNTA *CHAR LEN(22)                         
             DCL        &FILENBR *CHAR LEN(1) VALUE('1')              
             DCL        &SEQNBRA *CHAR LEN(10)                        
             DCL        &SYSNAM *CHAR LEN(8)                          
             DCL        &RQSCDE *CHAR LEN(8)                          
             DCL        &ERRORSW *LGL           /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &MSGID *CHAR LEN(7)     /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &MSG *CHAR LEN(512)     /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &MSGDTA *CHAR LEN(512)  /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &MSGF *CHAR LEN(10)     /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &MSGFLIB *CHAR LEN(10)  /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &KEYVAR *CHAR LEN(4)    /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &KEYVAR2 *CHAR LEN(4)   /* Standard error */  
             DCL        &RTNTYPE *CHAR LEN(2)   /* Standard error */  
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(GOTO STDERR1) /* Std err */
                        /* Create a dummy file in QTEMP which is     */
                        /*   used to allow CPYF to think it is       */
                        /*   performing a real copy.                 */
             DLTF       FILE(QTEMP/QTTCPYDST)                         
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF2105) EXEC(DO) /* No file */         
             CRTPF      FILE(QTEMP/QTTCPYDST) RCDLEN(32760)           
             ENDDO      /* No file */                                 
             RTVJOBA    INQMSGRPY(&INQMSGRPY)                         
             RMVMSG     CLEAR(*ALL)                                   
             RTVNETA    SYSNAME(&SYSNAM)                              
             CHGVAR     &SEQNBRA '*FIRST'                             
 CHKTAP:                /* Check next tape label */                   
                        /* If INQMSG(*NO) was specified, no message  */
                        /*   should occur if the tape mounted is     */
                        /*   not the first volume.                   */
                        /* To achieve this, the message CPA4034      */
                        /*   is duped into TAAMSGF in TAATOOL and    */
                        /*   the default is set to I = Ignore.       */
                        /* For the first file read from the tape,    */
                        /*   an OVRMSGF is used to point to TAAMSGF  */
                        /*   and the system reply list is set to     */
                        /*   default.                                */
                        /* For the 2nd file, the defaults are put    */
                        /*   back (The old INQMSGRPY is returned     */
                        /*   and the OVR is deleted).                */
            IF         (&INQMSG *EQ '*NO') DO /* No inquiry message */
            IF         (&FILENBR *EQ '2') DO /* Second tape file */  
            CHGJOB     INQMSGRPY(&INQMSGRPY)                         
            DLTOVR     FILE(QCPFMSG)                                 
            CHGVAR     &FILENBR '3'                                  
            ENDDO      /* Second tape file */                        
            IF         (&FILENBR *EQ '1') DO /* First file on tape */
            CHGJOB     INQMSGRPY(*DFT)                               
            CHGVAR     &FILENBR '2'                                  
            ENDDO      /* First file on tape */                      
            ENDDO      /* No inquiry message */                      
                       /* Check tape for sequence number */          
            MONMSG     MSGID(CPF6734) EXEC(GOTO ENDTAPE)             
                       /* Receive the completion message and       */
                       /*   extract the file label ID and Seq nbr. */
 RCVMSG:     RCVMSG     PGMQ(*SAME) MSGTYPE(*COMP) +                  
                          RMV(*NO) KEYVAR(&KEYVAR) MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) +  
             IF         (&MSGID *EQ 'CPC6779') DO /* CHKTAP msg */    
             CHGVAR     &LABEL %SST(&MSGDTA 27 17)                    
             CHGVAR     &VOLID %SST(&MSGDTA 11 6)                     
             CHGVAR     &SEQNBRA %SST(&MSGDTA 17 10)                  
             RMVMSG     MSGKEY(&KEYVAR)                               
             GOTO       OVRTAPF                                       
             ENDDO      /* CHKTAP msg */                              
             IF         (&MSGID *NE '     ') GOTO RCVMSG              
                          MSGDTA('The CPC6779 completion message +    
                          could not be found from CHKTAP')            
 OVRTAPF:    OVRTAPF    FILE(QTAPE) DEV(&DEV) +                       
                          VOL(*NONE) REELS(*SL) SEQNBR(&SEQNBRA) +    
                          RCDLEN(*CALC) BLKLEN(*CALC) RCDBLKFMT(*U) + 
                          ENDOPT(*LEAVE) SECURE(*YES)                 
             OVRDBF     FILE(QTTCPYDST) +                             
                          TOFILE(QTEMP/QTTCPYDST) SECURE(*YES)        
             CPYF       FROMFILE(QTAPE) +                             
                          TOFILE(QTTCPYDST) MBROPT(*REPLACE) +        
                        /* Eliminate excess messages in job log */    
 RCV2:       RCVMSG     PGMQ(*SAME) MSGTYPE(*INFO) RMV(*NO) +         
                          KEYVAR(&KEYVAR) MSGID(&MSGID)               
             IF         (&MSGID *EQ '     ') DO /* No CPF2993 */      
                          MSGDTA('The CPF2993 information message +   
                          could not be found')                        
             ENDDO      /* No CPF2993 */                              
             IF         (&MSGID *NE 'CPF2993') GOTO RCV2              
             RMVMSG     MSGKEY(&KEYVAR)                               
 RCV3:       RCVMSG     PGMQ(*SAME) MSGTYPE(*COMP) RMV(*NO) +         
                          KEYVAR(&KEYVAR) MSGID(&MSGID)               
             IF         (&MSGID *EQ '     ') DO /* No CPC2957 */      
                          MSGDTA('The CPC2957 completion message +    
                          could not be found')                        
             ENDDO      /* No CPC2957 */                              
             IF         (&MSGID *NE 'CPC2957') GOTO RCV3              
             RMVMSG     MSGKEY(&KEYVAR)                               
                        /* Count for final message */                 
             CHGVAR     &COUNT (&COUNT + 1)                           
             CHGVAR     &MSG ('Label ' *CAT &LABEL *TCAT ' found on + 
                          volume ' *CAT &VOLID *TCAT +                
                          ' at sequence ' *CAT &SEQNBRA)              
                        /* Send message to job log if PRTSUM(*NO) */  
             IF         (&PRTSUM *EQ '*NO') DO /* No summary */       
             SNDPGMMSG  MSG(&MSG)                                     
             ENDDO      /* No summary */                              
                        /* Always send as a status message */         
                          MSGDTA(&MSG) MSGTYPE(*STATUS)               
             IF         (&PRTSUM *EQ '*YES') DO /* Print summary */   
             CHGVAR     &RQSCDE 'DETAIL'                              
             OVRPRTF    FILE(QPRINT) USRDTA(CHKSAVTAP) +              
                          SPLFNAME(TAPEFILES) SECURE(*YES)            
             CALL       PGM(TAATAPDR) PARM(&RQSCDE &LABEL &VOLID +    
                          &SEQNBRA &SYSNAM)                           
             ENDDO      /* Print summary */                           
             CHGVAR     &SEQNBRA '*NEXT'                              
             GOTO       CHKTAP /* Loop back for next file */          
 ENDTAPE:               /* All files have been read */                
                        /* Clear escape message */                    
             RCVMSG     MSGTYPE(*EXCP)                                
             CHKTAP     DEV(&DEV) ENDOPT(*REWIND)                     
             IF         (&PRTSUM *EQ '*YES') DO /* Print summary */   
             CHGVAR     &RQSCDE 'FINAL'                               
             CALL       PGM(TAATAPDR) PARM(&RQSCDE &LABEL &VOLID +    
                          &SEQNBRA &SYSNAM)                           
             ENDDO      /* Print summary */                           
                        /* Send summary message and return           */
             EDTVAR     CHROUT(&COUNTA) NUMINP(&COUNT)                
             DLTF       FILE(QTEMP/QTTCPYDST)                         
             IF         (&PRTSUM *EQ '*NO') DO /* Simple msg */       
             SNDPGMMSG  MSG('CHKSAVTAP completed normally with ' +    
                          *CAT &COUNTA *TCAT ' files read.') +        
             ENDDO      /* Simple msg */                              
             IF         (&PRTSUM *EQ '*YES') DO /* Complex msg */     
             SNDPGMMSG  MSG('CHKSAVTAP completed normally with ' +    
                          *CAT &COUNTA *TCAT ' files read. +          
                          Output to spooled file TAPEFILES.') +       
             ENDDO      /* Complex msg */                             
             RMVMSG     CLEAR(*ALL)                                   
             RETURN     /* Normal end of program */                   
 STDERR1:               /* Standard error handling routine */         
             IF         &ERRORSW SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9999) +           
                          MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGTYPE(*ESCAPE)              
             CHGVAR     &ERRORSW '1' /* Set to fail on error */       
             RCVMSG     MSGTYPE(*EXCP) RMV(*NO) KEYVAR(&KEYVAR)       
                          KEYVAR(&KEYVAR2) MSG(&MSG) +                
                          MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) MSGID(&MSGID) +             
                          RTNTYPE(&RTNTYPE) MSGF(&MSGF) +             
             IF         (&RTNTYPE *NE '02') GOTO STDERR3              
             IF         (&MSGID *NE ' ') SNDPGMMSG +                  
                          MSGID(&MSGID) MSGF(&MSGFLIB/&MSGF) +        
                          MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) MSGTYPE(*DIAG)              
             IF         (&MSGID *EQ ' ') SNDPGMMSG +                  
                          MSG(&MSG) MSGTYPE(*DIAG)                    
             RMVMSG     MSGKEY(&KEYVAR2)                              
                          MSGID(&MSGID) MSGF(&MSGF) +                 
             SNDPGMMSG  MSGID(&MSGID) MSGF(&MSGFLIB/&MSGF) +          
                          MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) MSGTYPE(*ESCAPE)            

: D.BALE@handleman.com [mailto:D.BALE@handleman.com]
: 2001/02/13  AM 04:04
: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
: CHKSAVTAP - Urgent!!

This is an URGENT request.

Does anyone have the v3r1 version of CHKSAVTAP?  If so, would they be willing
to send me the source code for it?  If you can, please (obviously) send it
directly to me at D.Bale@Handleman.com

This is intended to run on our V4R4 box, although I have a V3R2 box with the
QUSRTOOL library on it, IBM stripped it of most of the useful tools in V3R2
and we haven't been able to locate our copy of the V3R1 backup, if we even
still have it.


Dan Bale
IT - AS/400
Handleman Company
248-362-4400  Ext. 4952
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