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  • Subject: Re: Abnormal Power Downs
  • From: "Neil Palmer" <neilp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 16:24:31 -0500

It's not a IBM badged model - a 9910-080 or 9910-140 is it ?

If so search the archives.  There are a ton of defective ones.  There's a 
patch finally available, but a quick circumvention is to just use the 
lower two plugs on the back or the UPS (they aren't subject to the random 
See here:       http://www.bestpower.com/service_support/ibmalert/

Neil Palmer      DPS Data Processing Services Canada Ltd.
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Fax:  (905) 474-4898         oo      oo   oo  oo   OOOo=o\ 
mailto:NeilP@DPSlink.com  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
http://www.DPSlink.com     iSeries 400  The Ultimate Business Server

"Scott Swaim" <sswaim@qualitycorps.com>
Sent by: owner-midrange-l@midrange.com
2001/01/02 11:43
Please respond to MIDRANGE-L

        To:     <MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com>
        Subject:        Abnormal Power Downs

I am experiencing Abnormal Power downs.  It happens at random times.  The
system is connected to a BEST Fortress UPS.  Their are other things
connected to the UPS that have not powered down.  I think the UPS is OK. 
IBM SE has replaced the Power Supply and the MFIOP.  Does anybody have any
other suggestions of where to look?

Getting Desperate.
Scott Swaim

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