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  • Subject: RE: 9402 with a destroyed disk unit
  • From: Cesar leandro <cleandro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:45:59 -0000


Remember that those machines had a MULIC (model unic licese internal
code)you must have it no way of carrying on otherwise,any MULIC from any F04
will do.Then you need to physically remove the disk and install a "new" one,
then from D ipl the machine with the first cartridge of the O.S. or a savsys
then you'll get on the panel 11-2 A600 6001 then you choose,from the panel
option 24 after a while you'll get 11-2 A600 6002  take option 23 after
another while you'll get 11-2 A600 6052 you load the MULIC then you'll get
the DST screen.Install O.S. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Müller [mailto:andre.mueller@blancolit.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 10:03 PM
To: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
Subject: 9402 with a destroyed disk unit

Hi Folks.

Iīve got some (maybe stupid) questions and hope you can help me.
Its the following:

Usually I work with Linux (X86, PPC), BSD and NT.
Iīm interested in everything and so I took the chance, when somebody offered
me a 9402 F04(V3R2M0).
Yes, I know, itīs an old machine, but for a first experience with OS/400 I
think itīs ok.
(And it was cheap ;-) )

The only problem is:
One of the two internal disk-units (Featurecode 6601) is (physically)
destroyed, so the machine boots only
up to the point, where you can start the service-tools. There is an option
to (re-)install the OS from a tape, but if I
choose it, the machine tells me that "Unit XXX is missing from the
configuration...". My questions are:

1. Is it possible to install /run OS/400 with only one internal disk ?
2. If itīs possible, how do I remove the destroyed unit from the
configuration ? (I didnīt find something possible under "work with disk
3. If itīs impossible, whatīs the cost for a new 6601 (if they are still
4. If a 6601 is not available anymore , which one can I use for that system
? Maybe a 6607 from a 170?


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